College of Nursing

All Faculty

Picture of  Sandra Bassendowski

Sandra Bassendowski BEd, MEd, EdD, RN
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Lois Berry

Lois Berry RN, BN, MCEd, PhD
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Cheryl  Besse

Cheryl Besse BScN, RN, MN, PNC(C), CCCI, CCNE
Associate Professor - Academic Programming | Undergraduate Academic Lead - Saskatoon

Picture of  Angela Bowen

Angela Bowen BScN, APO, MEd, PhD
Emeritus Professor

Picture of Holly-Anne Cook-Laliberte

Holly-Anne Cook-Laliberte NP, BA(Soc), BSN, MN, NSWOCC, MHA(C)

Picture of  Linda Ferguson

Linda Ferguson RN, BSN, PGD (Cont Ed.), MN, PhD
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Lorraine Holtslander

Lorraine Holtslander RN, BSN, MN, PhD
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Kelly Hughes

Kelly Hughes RPN, BScMH, MN, RN(NP)
Assistant Professor - Academic Programming

Picture of  S. Lynn Jansen

S. Lynn Jansen RN, BSN, MN, PhD
Interim Associate Dean, Academic

Picture of Tania Kristoff

Tania Kristoff RN, PhD, CCSNE
Associate Professor - Academic Programming, Undergraduate Academic Lead

Picture of  Gail Laing

Gail Laing RN, BScN, MScN, PhD
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Janet Luimes

Janet Luimes RN(NP), MScN
NP Program, Academic Lead - Associate Professor - Academic Programming

Picture of  Mary  MacDonald

Mary MacDonald RN, BSN, MCEd
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Barbara  Mathur

Barbara Mathur
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Louise  Racine

Louise Racine RN BScN(Laval), MScN(Laval), PhD(Brit.Col), FTNSS
Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies, Professor and Transcultural Nursing Scholar

Picture of  Kathy Rodger

Kathy Rodger MN, BSN, RN CMSN (C)
Associate Professor - Academic Programming

Picture of  Joan Sawatzky

Joan Sawatzky RN, BSN, MCEd
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Karen Semchuk

Karen Semchuk RN, PhD
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Barbara Smith

Barbara Smith
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  Norma Stewart

Norma Stewart RN, BSN, MS, MA, PhD
Emeritus Professor

Picture of  P. Susan Wagner

P. Susan Wagner RN, BScN, BA, MScN
Emeritus Professor

RN Saskatchewan (1970-2005), RN Alberta (2005-2015), BScN, BA, MSc (Nursing)

Picture of  Karen  Wright

Karen Wright BScN, MEd, PhD
Emeritus Professor