College of Nursing


Dr. Bullin joined the University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing in a tenure-track position in 2011. Her undergraduate and graduate education was completed at USask, BSN’97 (post RN diploma), MCEd’04 (College of Education), and PhD’14 (College of Education). Dr. Bullin’s dissertation examined how experienced nurse educators perceived doctoral (PhD) preparation as supporting their nurse educator roles.

Dr. Bullin has an extensive and diverse clinical nursing background (USA & Canada) that includes critical care, perioperative care, acute surgical & medical care, and mental health.

Dr. Bullin’s current research program is focused on chronic disease management, specifically chronic kidney disease in Indigenous populations. The CIHR-funded project, that focused on the “co-development of culturally-appropriate educational tools to assist Indigenous peoples in making informed decision regarding treatments for failing kidneys”, is nearing completion.

Research Interests

  • Chronic Disease Management specifically, Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Pre-Diabetes & Diabetes
  • NCLEX Preparation


  • Mixed Methods


Dr. Bullin has taught courses in all years of both the Undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Post-Degree programs, in addition to selected Master of Nursing courses.

In the 2023-24 academic year, Dr. Bullin is teaching a new, pre-professional course “NURS 120 Human Anatomy for Nursing” which is delivered online, asynchronously. Dr. Bullin developed all components of the course in collaboration with a GMCTL instructional designer.

  • NURS 120: Human Anatomy for Nursing
  • NURS 207: Human Body Systems for Nursing I
  • NURS 208: Human Body Systems for Nursing II
  • NURS 332: Exploring Complexity & Acuity
  • NURS 450: Practice Integration



Oosman, S. (NPA), Bally, J. (Co-PI), Froelich Chow, A. (CoPI), Spurr, S. (CoPI), Abonyi, S. (CoApp), Bullin, C. (CoApp), Cammer, A. (CoApp), Ferguson, L. (CoApp), Foulds, H. (CoApp), Inman, N. (CoApp), Kappel, J. (CoApp). Lovo, S. (CoApp), Marks, W. (CoApp), Yau, D. (CoApp), Zucker-Levin, A. (CoApp), Nour, M. (CoApp), Vatanparast, H. (CoApp), Hodgson-Viden, H. (CoApp, Tootoosis, H. (CoApp), & McKinney, V. (CoApp). Collaborator: Ndubuka, N., Herman, D., Montgrand, T., Doroan, L., Churchman, L., Jolibois, G., Clarke, T., Wong, T., Khan, I., Cheecham-Urich, D., Cheecham, A., Gardiner, N., Eashappie, T., MacDonald, B., Sovdi, R., Kornder, N., Smith, L., Clarke, M., Rueling, M., Tootoosis, H., Durocher, L., Larocque, M., Laliberte, A., Maurice, J., Pelly, J., Kewistep, G., & Roy, T.J. (April 2023 - March 2028). Strong Bodies, Spirits, Minds, and Voices ~ Privileging Indigenous Knowledge to Guide Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes Prevention with First Nations and Metis Communities, 1999176.00 (CAD). Team Grant - Diabetes Prevention and Treatment in Indigenous Communities: Resilience and Wellness, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
Oosman, S. (NPA), Bally, J. (Co-PI), Spurr, S. (Co-PI), Froelich Chow, A. (Co-PI), Inman, M. (co-I), Noore, M. (co-I), Yau, D. (co-I), Foulds, H. (co-I), Tait, C. (co-I), Kappel, J. (co-I), Bullin, C. (co-I), Zucker-Levin, A. (co-I), Vantanparest, H. (co-I), Cammer, A. (co-I), Hodgson, H. (co-I), Collaborators: MacDonald, B., Sovdi, R., Kornder, N., Smith, L., Clarke, M., Tootoosis, H., Durocher, L., Larocque, M., Laliberte, A., Maurice, J., Pelly, J., Kewistep, G. “Strong Bodies, Spirits, Minds, and Voices ~ Privileging Indigenous Knowledge to Gudie Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes Prevention with First Nations and Metis Communities in Saskatchewan”(December 2021 - June 2022). Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) LOI. $35,000.00 (CAD) to Sara Oosman.
Kappel, J. (Co-Lead), Bullin, C. (Co-Lead). Canadians Seeking Solutions & Innovations to Overcome Chronic Kidney Disease (CanSOLVE) Project 3.3A “Improving Indigenous Patient Knowledge about Treatment Options for Failing Kidneys” (May 2016 - December 2023). $1,600,000.00 (CAD). Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
Bullin, C. (PI). “Kidney and Health Wellness Days” (March 2018). Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Research Connections Grant. $5,000.00 (CAD) to Carol Bullin.

External Committees

  • Sigma Theta Tau International Society of Nursing, Xi Lambda Chapter, Member
  • CanSOLVE CKD Project Leads Committee, CanSOLVE, Member

Honours (Medals, Fellowships, Prizes)

  • Nominee - USSU Teaching Excellence Award, University of Saskatchewan Students Union, University of Saskatchewan, January 2024.
  • Recipient - Elizabeth van Valkenberg Award for Excellence in Nursing Education, Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association (2016)
  • Recipient - Provost’s College Award for Outstanding Teaching, College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan (2016)
  • Recipient - Outstanding Acute Care Telemedicine Achievement Award for Clinical Innovation, InTouch Health (2014)