Louise Racine RN BScN(Laval), MScN(Laval), PhD(Brit.Col), FTNSS
Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies, Professor and Transcultural Nursing Scholar- Address
- 1A20.1 Health Sciences, Saskatoon
Dr. Louise Racine has practiced in general surgery, medicine, ENT, and head and neck surgery at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval. Dr. Racine received her RN diploma from the CEGEP Sainte-Foy and a Certificate in Health Administration from the Université de Montréal in 1991. She received her BScN and MScN from the Faculté des sciences infirmières de l'Université Laval, and her PhD in nursing from the University of British Columbia School of Nursing.
Dr. Racine's research interest is in the area of immigrant and refugee health. She is also interested in exploring the delivery of culturally safe nursing care to racialized populations. Dr. Racine is keenly interested in the philosophy of nursing, the application of feminist and postcolonial theories to nursing research and practice.
Research Interests
- Immigrant and refugee health across the lifespan
- Health promotion among non-Western populations
- Health care services delivery
- Nursing philosophy
- Postcolonialism
- Philosophical inquiry
- Qualitative
- Case study
- Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)
- Ethnography
- Postcolonial ethnography
- Institutional ethnography
Courses that Dr. Racine has taught:
- NURS 201: Perspectives on Health Wellness and Diversity in a Global Context
- NURS 205: Research for Evidence Informed Practice
- NURS 430: Community Health Nursing Building Partnerships
- NURS 891: Concept Clarification in Advanced Nursing Practice
- NURS 896: Nursing Research Advanced Qualitative Methodologies
External Committees
- Réseau de recherche en interventions en sciences infirmières du Québec (RRISIQ), Partner Member, 2023
- Scholar, Transcultural Nursing Society Scholars' Committee, Livonia, MI, USA, 2017
Honours (Medals, Fellowships, Prizes)
- Top SHRF Collaborative Innovation Development Grant: Socio-Health and Clinical, 2018
- Fellow, Transcultural Nursing Society, Livonia, MI, USA, 2017
- Alumna of Influence, Diplômée d’influence, Université Laval, 2016
- Effie Feeny Award for Excellence in Nursing Research, College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan, 2015