Natasha Hubbard Murdoch PhD, MN, BScN, RN
Assistant Professor- Address
- E4218 Health Sciences, Saskatoon
Dr. Natasha Hubbard Murdoch has practice experience in oncology, orthopedics, and long-term care. Her master’s focus was about women with advanced cancer and their significant others including their health team. Her dissertation was on the threshold concept of interprofessionality and the experience of becoming a team member for undergraduate healthcare students. Her extensive career in nursing education led to a provincial interprofessional education coordination role.
Research Interests
Dr. Hubbard Murdoch’s experiences have brought insights into the philosophies and structures that are foundational to interprofessional teams; an approach to education and research that supports teams of colleagues, students, and family partners. Areas of research include:
- how caregivers experience belonging
- independence and autonomy in aging in place
- access to healthcare
- mentorship and leadership
- frontline provider burnout
- the impact of educational interventions
- Qualitative
- Mixed Methods
- NURS 306: Exploring Chronicity and Aging
- NURS 813: Teaching in Nursing
- NURS 822: Advanced Issues in Nursing Education
- NURS 824: Advanced Integrative Exercise