Brooklyn Derksen BSN, RN, DTN, MN, ENC(C)
Lecturer - On Leave- Address
- E4336 Health Sciences, Saskatoon
Brooklyn has had many opportunities to live, learn, and work overseas. In Uganda, she completed her Master of Nursing thesis work. In order to build her skills and knowledge base further, Brooklyn completed her Diploma in Tropical Nursing from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in 2019. Her career in global health has been primarily focused in Uganda, where she has enjoyed many roles such as volunteer, master’s student, researcher, and most recently as an Emergency Nurse Educator for a hospital and university in eastern Uganda.
Brooklyn’s work with the University of Saskatchewan has involved instructing, coordinating, and lecturing. She enjoys helping students understand the complexities of high-acuity nursing while integrating some experiences and realities of nursing around the world. She is currently a limited-term faculty lecturer for the University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing.
Brooklyn Derksen continues to partner with BC Children’s and Women’s Hospital’s Institute for Global Health in a large, ongoing multi-site project termed Smart Discharges, which aims to prevent child mortality after discharge from hospitals in Uganda through risk prediction modelling and scaled, sustainable change.
Research Interests
- Global health
- Emergency nursing
- Qualitative
- Mixed Methods
- NURS 220: Concepts of Patient and Family Centered Care
- NURS 221: Patient and Family Centered Care in Clinical Practice
- NURS 311: Core Competencies for the Management of Complex Patient Care I
- NURS 332: Exploring Complexity and Acuity
- NURS 333: Complex Nursing Care Practice
- NURS 450: Practice Integration