College of Nursing


Dr. Jill M. G. Bally is a registered nurse with over three decades of nursing experience. She has worked in various clinical settings including Acute Care Pediatrics (Saskatoon, SK), the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (Saskatoon, SK), and a pediatric surgical unit (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). Through these experiences she has had the invaluable privilege of working with exceptional healthcare providers in caring for children and their families. Jill joined the College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan (USask) in 2004 and assumed a tenure track position in 2011.

Jill leads/co-leads an interdisciplinary team of researchers, care providers, undergraduate/graduate students, and community members including the Ronald McDonald House Saskatchewan. Together, they engage in interdisciplinary, patient-oriented, interventional research focused on hope and rooted in participatory and anti-oppressive qualitative and mixed methods approaches. Her research commitment includes honouring diverse family voices including those of Indigenous families, and co-creating in-depth understandings of life limiting and life threatening illnesses, caregiving, and healthcare experiences. Jill and the research team have been awarded in a variety of ways including funding from the Royal Bank of Canada Nurses for Kids Community Development Program, the Provost’s Project Grant for Innovative Practice in Collaborative Teaching and Learning, the Canadian Association for Nurses in Oncology, the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Research interests

  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Family Nursing
  • Hope
  • Pediatric Life Limiting and Life Threatening Illnesses
  • Pediatric Interprofessional Education


  • Qualitative
  • Quantitative
  • Mixed methods


Jill has taught in all years of the College of Nursing’s undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Post-Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs and in the Master of Nursing program. She thoroughly enjoys every opportunity to interact with students and use these to continuously develop scholarly teaching and learning practices.

  • NURS 200: Nursing Foundations Perspectives and Influences
  • NURS 330: Maternal Child and Adolescent Family Centered Nursing
  • NURS 331: Maternal Child and Adolescent Family Centered Nursing Practice
  • NURS 450: Practice Integration
  • NURS 824: Advanced Integrative Exercise
  • NURS 893: Qualitative Research Methods



Oosman, S. (NPA), Bally, J. (CoPI), Froehlich Chow, A. (CoPI), Spurr, S. (CoPI), Abonyi, S. (CoApp), Bullin, C. (CoApp), Cammer, A. (CoApp), Ferguson, L. (CoApp), Foulds, H. (CoApp), Inman, M. (CoApp), Kappel, J. (CoApp), Lovo, S. (CoApp), Marks, W. (CoApp), Yau, D. (CoApp), Zucker-Levin, A. (CoApp), Nour, M. (CoApp), Vatanparast, H. (CoApp), Hodgson-Viden, H. (CoApp), Tootoosis, H. (CoApp), & McKinney, V. (CoApp). Collaborators: Ndubuka, N., Herman, D., Montgrand, T., Dorian, L., Churchman, L., Jolibois, G., Clarke, T., Wong, T., Khan, I., Cheecham-Uhrich, D., Cheecham, A., Gardiner, N., Eashapppie, T., MacDonald, B., Sovdi, R., Kornder, N., Smith, L., Clarke, M., Rueling, M., Tootoosis, H., Durocher, L., Larocque, M., Laliberte, A., Maurice, J., Pelly, J., Kewistep, G., & Roy, T.J. (April 2023 - March 2028). Strong Bodies, Spirits, Minds, and Voices ~ Privileging Indigenous Knowledge to Guide Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes Prevention with First Nations and Métis Communities, 1999176.00 (CAD). Team Grant - Diabetes Prevention and Treatment in Indigenous Communities: Resilience and Wellness, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
Oosman, S. (NPA), Spurr, S. (CoPI), Bally, J. (CoPI), & Froehlich Chow, A. (CoPI). (February 2023 - March 2026). Promoting Health Among Indigenous Youth through Wellness & HOPE, 240000.00 (CAD). Accelerate Internship Program, Mitacs.
Petryk, S. (CoPI), & Bally, J. (CoPI). (March 2023 - February 2024). Optimizing timely and equitable access to specialist care for pediatric mental health and developmental concerns in Saskatchewan through co-design and evaluation of an innovative, interdisciplinary Peds-VCM, 49986.40 (CAD). Solutions Program - Innovation Grant, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation and Mental Health Research Canada).
Spurr, S. (NPA), Bally, J. (Co-PI), Oosman, S. (Co-PI), Froehlich Chow, A. (Co-PI), Inman, M. (co-I), Noore, M. (co-I), Yau, D. (co-I), Foulds, H. (co-I), Tait, C. (co-I), Kappel, J. (co-I), Zucker-Levin (co-I), Vantanparest, H. (co-I), Cammer, A. (co-I), Hodgson-Vidin H. (co-I), Collaborators: MacDonald, B., Sovdi, R., Kornder, N., Smith, L., Clarke, M., Tootoosis, H., Durocher, L., Larocque, M., Laliberte, A., Maurice, J., Pelly, J., Kewistep, G. "Promoting Health Among Indigenous Youth Through Wellness and HOPE (Health & Optimism in T2D Prevention & Education) in Saskatchewan” (December 2021 - December 2024). End Diabetes: 100, Diabetes Canada. $300,000.00 (CAD) to Spurr, Shelley.
Oosman, S. (NPA), Spurr, S. (Co-PI), Bally, J. (Co-PI), Froehlich Chow, A. (Co-PI), Inman, M. (co-I), Noore, M. (co-I), Yau, D. (co-I), Foulds, H. (co-I), Tait, C. (co-I), Kappel, J. (co-I), Bullin, C. (co-I), Zucker-Levin (co-I), Vantanparest, H. (co-I), Cammer, A. (co-I), Hodgson-Vidin H. (co-I), Collaborators: MacDonald, B., Sovdi, R., Kornder, N., Smith, L., Clarke, M., Tootoosis, H., Durocher, L., Larocque, M., Laliberte, A., Maurice, J., Pelly, J., Kewistep, G. "Strong Bodies, Spirits, Minds, and Voices ~ Privileging Indigenous Knowledge to Guide Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes Prevention with First Nations and Métis Communities in Saskatchewan" (December 2021 – June, 2022). Canadian Institution for Health Research (CIHR) LOI. $35,000.00 (CAD) to Sarah Oosman.
Bally J (Nominated Principal Investigator), Spurr S (Co-principal Investigator), Risling T (Co-investigator), Peacock S (Co-investigator), Holtslander L (Co-investigator), Hodgson-Viden H (Co-investigator), Sinha R (Co-investigator), Brusky J (Co-investigator), Burles M (Collaborator), Janvier S (Collaborator), Ogren J (Collaborator), Tisher J (Collaborator). (January 2020 - December 2021- extended due to COVID-190). Developing a Doorway to Accessible Supportive Care Resources for Parents of Seriously Ill Children: An Innovative Pediatric Palliative Care ePortal, 9995.0 (CAD). Planning and Dissemination - Institute Community Support, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 9995.0 (CAD) to Bally, Jill.
Mcharo Solomon, Jill Bally (Co-Investigator), & Shelley Spurr (Co-Investigator), Shelley Peacock (Co-Investigator), Lorraine Holtslander (Co-Investigator), Keith Walker (Co-Investigator). (September 2019 - August 2020). Exploring Nursing Presence as Experienced by Family Caregivers in Pediatric Oncology (For Kasha Mcharo), 5000.0 (CAD). Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology. 5000 (CAD) to Bally, Jill (co-supervising PhD candidate).
Bally, Jill (PI) (July 2019 - December 2019). Exploring the Experiences of Indigenous Family Caregivers of Children with Life-Threatening and Life-Limiting Illness in Saskatchewan, 5000.0 (CAD). College of Nursing, USask. 5000 (CAD) to Bally, Jill.
Burles, M. & Bally, J. (January 2018 - December 2018). Exploring the Experiences of Aboriginal Family Caregivers of Children with Life-Threatening and Life-Limiting Illness in Saskatchewan (fellowship for Meredith Burles), 70000.0 (CAD). Indigenous Peoples’ Health Research Centre. 70000 (CAD) to Burles, M. (PDF Supervisor).
Peacock S (Principal Investigator), Bally J (Co-investigator), Duggleby W (Co-investigator), Haase K (Co-investigator), Holtslander L (Co-investigator), MacRae R (Co-investigator), McAiney C (Co-investigator), Morgan D (Co-investigator), O'Connell M (Co-investigator), Ploeg J (Co-investigator), Rohatinsky N (Co-investigator), Thompson G (Co-investigator), Vedel I (Co-investigator), Micheal J (Collaborator), Gawdun J (Collaborator), Hauck V (Collaborator). (May 2019 - April 2020). Championing Health professional Dementia Care Education, 20000.0 (CAD). Planning and Dissemination - Institute Community Support, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. 10000.0 (CAD) to Peacock, S.
Bally J (Principal Investigator), Hodgson-Viden H (Co-principal Investigator), Burles M (Co-investigator), Myo D (Co-investigator), Janvier S (Co-investigator), Sutherland C (Co-investigator), Sinha R (Co-investigator), Brusky J (Co-investigator). Supporting Indigenous Family Caregivers of Children with Life-Threatening and Life-Limiting Illness in Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF). Total: $105,250.00 for 2019-03 to 2021-02
Bally J (Principal Investigator), Spurr S (Co-principal Investigator), Risling T (Co-investigator), Sinha R (Collaborator), Hodgson-Viden H (Collaborator). Arts-Based Research Methods with Families of Seriously Ill Children: A Pilot Study, CIHR Seed Funding, College of Nursing. Total: $10,000.00 for 2019-03-01 to 2020-02-28
Spurr S (Principal Investigator), Bally J (Co-principal Investigator), McNair E (Co-investigator), Nour M (Collaborator). A Community-Based Health Promotion Approach to Developing an Intervention for Adolescents Living in Saskatoon Who are at Risk for Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, CIHR Seed Funding, College of Nursing. Total: $9,965.00 for 2018-03 to 2019-08
Balbuena LC (Principal Investigator), Bowen A (Co-investigator), Bowen R (Co-investigator), Bally J (Co-investigator), Brantsaeter A (Co-investigator). Neuroticism and Mood Instability as Suicide Prevention Targets. Saskatchewan Health Research Funding. Total: $119,997.00 for 2017-09 to 2020-09
Bally J (Principal Investigator). Examining Parents' Online Accounts of Caring for a Child with Cancer. Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology/Association canadienne des infirmieres en oncologie. Total: $5,000.00 for 2017-08 to 2018-08
Bally J (Principal Investigator), Hodgson-Viden H (Co-investigator), Holtslander L (Co-investigator), Mpofu C (Co-investigator). Evaluating a Theory-Based Hope Intervention to Support Parents of Children with Life Limiting and Life Threatening Illnesses, Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation. Total: $119,999.00 for 2015-09-01 to 2018-09-03
Butler L (Principal Investigator), Exner-Pirot H (Co-investigator), Norbye B (Co-investigator), Wolff Skaalvik M (Co-investigator), Bally J (Co-investigator), Bullin CA (Co-investigator), Neuls E (Co-investigator), Tomtene M (Co-investigator), Thurmeier R (Co-investigator). Developing a Northern Nursing Workforce, The funding will support establishing a network of institutions providing decentralized/ distributed nursing education to northern communities, in Norway, Canada, Siberia, Alaska, Iceland and Greenland. The goal is to improve the pedagogy of northern nursing education, share best practices, and form a community of students and educators in an annual Innovative Learning Institute on Circumpolar Health to jointly examine and improve the clinical practice of nursing in a northern context. Norwegian government program- Norway-North America High North Grant. Total: $272,578.00 for 2015-03 to 2018-07
Bally J (Principal Investigator), Burles M (Co-principal Investigator). Patient Engagement Application Development Award, Sprout Grant, Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research Agency Program(s): Patient Engagement Application Development Award. Total: $2,500.00 for 2018-07 to 2018-11

External Committees

  • International Family Nursing Association, Education Committee Co-chair
  • Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology, Research Committee Member
  • Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Mu Sigma Chapter (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB), Member

Honours (Medals, Fellowships, Prizes)

  • Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association Effie Feeny Award for Excellence in Nursing Research, 2018
  • Canadian Health Care Innovation Award: Palliative Care, 2017
  • Canada Health Infoway’s 2015 Faculty Interprofessional eHealth Award
  • The Outstanding Acute Care Telemedicine Achievement Award, 2014