Pammla Petrucka RN, BScN, MN, PhD
Professor - On Sabbatical Leave (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)- Address
- Regina
As a University of Saskatchewan (USask) graduate, Dr. Petrucka is proud to be a part of the College of Nursing and the School of Public Health. Throughout her career she positioned herself as a nurse scientist with a strong commitment to nursing research excellence and innovation.
Petrucka’s program of research focuses on populations with potential (also known as marginalized or vulnerable) within the local and global context. This program variably includes novel/emergent methodologies, health related technologies, and engagement strategies. Over the last number of years, she has had the privilege of assembling a large cohort of researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students who share interests, intents, and initiative to contribute to the science related to this important and diverse population. They have been successfully funded locally, provincially, nationally, and internationally thereby contributing in each of these geographic contexts.
Currently her research is focused on the area of Women’s Health – specifically in menstrual hygiene equity, as well as health care accessibility in developing contexts. Additionally, Dr. Petrucka is working in Global Health with a focus on improving awareness and access to public health and One Health innovations.
Research Interests
- Women’s Health
- Global Health
- Menstrual Hygiene
- One Health
- Qualitative
- Mixed methods
- NURS 441: Transitioning to Professional Practice
- NURS 478: Rural Nursing
- NURS 812: Leadership in Nursing
- NURS 824: Advanced Integrative Exercise
- NURS 862: Integrative Review Critical Appraisals of Health Evidence