Arlene Kent-Wilkinson RN, CPMHN(C), BSN, MN, PhD
Professor- Address
- E4242 Health Sciences, Saskatoon
Dr. Kent-Wilkinson has been on faculty at the College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan (USask), Saskatoon Campus, since 2002. She is a full-time tenure track professor who teaches in the areas of mental health and addiction, forensic nursing, and Indigenous health issues. Arlene and her husband have two sons and four grandsons.
Arlene completed her PhD in Education Administration from the University of Saskatchewan in 2008; her MN from the University of Calgary in 1993; her BSN from the University of Victoria in 1990; and her 3-year hospital diploma in nursing in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. In June 2021, Arlene celebrated 50 years as a RN (1971–current).
Arlene draws from a strong 30-year clinical base of emergency nursing, forensic psychiatric nursing, correctional nursing, psych/mental health nursing, and addictions nursing. Arlene’s teaching experience dates back to 1993, as a sessional instructor. She developed and taught the first classroom forensic nursing course globally in 1995-2002 at University of Calgary, and online Forensic Studies in 1997-2002 at Mount Royal University. Arlene is the recipient of many provincial, national, and international awards for her work in education leadership and practice.
Dr. Kent-Wilkinson has initiated and led research teams for successful, productive outcomes that have resulted in numerous publications (over 50) and presentations (over 125) and has successfully supervised many MN and PhD students.
Research Interests
Dr. Kent-Wilkinson is currently PI on the following research projects:
- Phase 2: Assessment and Diagnosis of Dementia among Older Persons in Custody (SHRF funded);
and - Exploring the Secrets and Providence of the Florence Nightingale Medicine Chest at the College of Nursing (SSHRC funded)
Her research interests are as follows:
- Mentally disordered offenders
- Indigenous health education
- Forensic nursing education
- International education
- Mental health and addictions education
- Florence Nightingale Medicine Chest Historical Research Project
- Qualitative
- Mixed methods
- NURS 307: Integrating Mental Health and Addiction into Nursing (2009–Current)
- NURS 441: Transitioning to Professional Practice (2015–Current)
- NURS 486: Forensic Nursing in Secure Environments (online elective) (2020–Current)
- NURS 814: Indigenous Health Policies (online elective) (2009–Current)
Kent-Wilkinson, A. (PI), & Peternelj-Taylor, C. (CoI). (2023, April 19). City of Saskatoon Civic Hospitality Fund. The City of Saskatoon awarded $1,000 for conference funding for the 18th biennial Custody & Caring International Conference to be held September 20–22, 2023, in Saskatoon, SK. Adjudicated by Conventions Saskatoon [Timeframe: April, 2023 to October, 2023].
Kent-Wilkinson, A. (PI), Lagimodiere, K. (Co-PI), Jewel, L. (P), Stoliker, B. (P), Kerodal, A. (Co-I), O’Connell, M. (Co-I), Peacock, S. (Co-I), Mela, M. (CoI), Reddick, L. (S), Adelugba, O. (S), & Boone, T. (S). (2023, March 3). Dementia screening and diagnosis for older persons in custody at the Regional Psychiatric Centre. Centre for Forensic Behavioural Sciences and Justice Studies. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Solutions Impact Grant #6316 in partnership with Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan. UnivRS Internal ID# 357753. Submitted November 17, 2022. Awarded $134,827 on March 3, 2023. [Timeframe: March 1, 2023 to February 28, 2025].
Kent-Wilkinson, A., & Vandenberg, H. (2022, June 7). Awarded. Exploring the secrets and provenance of the ‘Florence Nightingale medicine chest’ in Canada. SSHRC Explore Grant. Submitted March 11, 2022. Awarded $6,999 on June 7, 2022. [Project Timeline: July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024].
Kent-Wilkinson, A. (PI), for (late) Wormith, S. (PI)., Kerodal, A. (CoI)., O'Connell, M. (CoI)., & Peacock, S. (CoI). (2019, March). Awarded. Older offenders in Correctional Service Canada. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF), Collaborative Innovation Development (CID) Grant. Funded for $49,976.00 CAD. Project Term: 01/03/2019– 29/02/2020.
Kent-Wilkinson, A. (PI), & Peternelj-Taylor, C. (CoI). (2019, March 25). Awarded on May 16, City of Saskatoon Civic Hospitality Fund. The City of Saskatoon awarded $2,500 for conference funding for the 16th biennial Custody & Caring International Conference to be held October 23–25, 2019, in Saskatoon, SK. Adjudicated by Conventions Saskatoon [Timeframe: March 2019 to November 2019].
Peternelj-Taylor, C. (PI), Kent-Wilkinson, A. (Co-I). (2019). Awarded. Research Connections Grant. Conference funding for the 16th Biennial Custody & Caring International Conference on the Nurse's Role in the Criminal Justice System. Saskatoon, SK. Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF). Total: $10,000.00 [Timeframe: 2017-08-01 to 2017-11-30].
Ebbesen, L. S. (PI), Dell, C. (Co-PI), Kent-Wilkinson A. (Co-I), Chalmers, D. (Co-I), & Hales, N. (Co-I). (2018, February). Awarded in May 2018. Animal-assisted interventions in Canadian federal corrections. Funded by a Correctional Service Canada (CSC) Citizen Engagement initiative called ‘CAC Kickstarter. $5,000 funding. [Timeframe: July 2018-to July 2019].
External Committees
- Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN), Mental Health Nurse Educator Interest Group member (2018–Current)
- Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses (CFMHN), Education Committee member (2013–Current)
- Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses (CFMHN), Standards Committee member (2020–2023)
- Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) Regional Psychiatric Centre (RPC) and Saskatoon Parole member (2016–Current)
Honours (Medals, Fellowships, Prizes)
- 2017: SRNA Jean Browne Award for Excellence in Nursing Practice Leadership, (College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan, CRNS).
- 2002: Provincial Award of Excellence in Education, Alberta Association of Registered Nurses.
- 2001: 2002-Exemplary Program Award, Western Association of Summer Session Admin.
- 2001: Long Service Award, 30 years clinical practice, Alberta Association of Registered Nurses.
- 1998: Board Member Recognition Award, International Association of Forensic Nurses.
- 1997:Pioneer Award, International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN).
- 1995: Volunteer Appreciation Award, Alberta Association of Registered Nurses (AARN).
- 1994: Award for Nursing Excellence Alberta, Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses.
- 1989: Excellence in Nursing Award, Nurse of the Year. Calgary General Hospital.