Janet Luimes RN(NP), MScN
NP Program, Academic Lead - Associate Professor - Academic Programming- Address
- E4212 Health Sciences, Saskatoon
As a Family All-Ages Nurse Practitioner (NP), Janet Luimes has a special interest in patient and family centered preventative health care and promoting mental health for all ages. Janet has worked in a variety of nursing roles and settings, including the emergency department, chronic disease management, family practice, and education. However, her true passion lies in primary health care.
After completing her BScN’05 and MScN’08 at the University of Ottawa, she went on to obtain a Post-master’s Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Diploma at McMaster University in 2010. Janet has been teaching with the USask College of Nursing since 2012 while maintaining an active clinical practice as a nurse practitioner. Her clinical practice informs her professional practice, scholarship, and educator role, as she looks to support and strengthen nurse practitioner competency development, innovative educational strategies, and integration/optimization of the NP role.
Research Interests
- Nurse Practitioner education and practice
- Primary health care
- Innovation in health education
- Competency development and evaluation
- Mixed methods
- NURS 875: Transition to Advanced Nursing Practice
- NURS 878: Practicum III Advanced Practice Nursing with Vulnerable Populations
- NURS 879: Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning II
- NURS 880: Practicum I Advanced Nursing Practice in Primary Health Care
- NURS 883: Theory for Advanced Practice Nursing Roles and Primary Health Care
- NURS 884: Advanced Health Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning I
- NURS 885: Nursing Therapeutics I Individual to Community
- NURS 888: Practicum II Nursing Therapeutics and Advanced Management
External Committees
- SASKGuidelines Provincial Committee
- CRSN Continuing Competency Program