
In alignment with the University of Saskatchewan Plan 2025 and the College of Nursing’s Philosophy Statement, the College of Nursing will achieve its research mandate through three research signature areas.

Nursing Unit for Research and Scholarship Excellence (NURSE)

The Nursing Unit for Research and Scholarship Excellence (NURSE) provides a continuum of research administration support services to advance research and scholarship priorities and build success for researchers, the College of Nursing, and the University of Saskatchewan.

NURSE provides comprehensive pre-and post-award supports to faculty in their discovery efforts.

Why Join USask Nursing?

In an ever-changing research landscape, University of Saskatchewan (USask) College
of Nursing researchers are undaunted in their pursuit of knowledge – innovating and
expanding our impact on the health of all.

Why should you join USask College of Nursing to move your research forward?

Discover Us

Our Impact



Research Funding 2022/23


Number of Awarded Grants 2022/23


Number of Grant Applications 2022/23


Peer-reviewed journal articles in 2022 (SCOPUS)

 Research Events


If you would like to learn more about the events we have planned, have any questions or feedback, please email Raeleen Wilson.