Welcome to the NURSE Project Planning Room reservation page! The Project Planning Room is an academic research space set up within the College of Nursing to provide researchers, research support staff, and students with a welcoming and safe space for all to enjoy while working to achieve our research and scholarship objectives.

Room Description

  1. What is in the room? The Project Planning Room is outfitted with furniture that is moveable so that you can configure the space as needed.
    • Furniture includes
      • Two regular tables with six chairs
      • Two tall tables with four tall chairs
      • Four comfy chairs with four side tables
      • Four rolling stools
      • Two rolling whiteboard shelving units
    • The room also includes a moveable technology cart with two 54-inch screens, a computer, and microphone/speaker combo that will allow any USask user to sign in with their NSID and start videoconferencing to turn any event into a hybrid experience! You can also use the screen to share documents and presentations with attendees. You will be expected to set up your own videoconferencing for your event. If you would like support scheduling a videoconference, please contact Event Bookings directly for a Zoom-only booking.
    • Whiteboards are available via the walls of the room and as two rolling shelving units.
  2. Room Occupancy: The room can currently facilitate a maximum of 25 persons in attendance during research events.
  3. Operational Hours: The room is open from 9:00 am. to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays). If you are interested in reserving the room outside these hours, you must contact nursing.research@usask.ca at least 2 weeks prior to your research event.
  4. Room Location: 4329 E-Wing, Health Sciences building at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) (Saskatoon campus)

Room Reservation and Check-In Information

  1. Click here to reserve the Project Planning Room up to 1 month in advance of your research event!
  2. Select the date within the calendar to see available reservation times. Room reservations are on a first come, first served basis.
  3. You can only reserve the room for one hour at a time. If you need the room for longer than one hour, you can:
    1. Option 1: Reserve multiple slots individually at the time of reservation.
    2. Option 2: Contact NURSE at nursing.research@usask.ca to schedule a longer reservation time on your behalf.
  4. Once you have completed the reservation form, you will receive an email confirming your reservation, as well as a calendar invitation from Nursing Research. Do not distribute this invitation to your event attendees. Please create a separate calendar invitation for your research event, listing “4329 E-Wing, Health Sciences Building” as the room location.
  5. You will receive a reminder email for your reservation the day before your event.
  6. Questions? If you have questions about room reservations or issues when using the room, please email Raeleen Wilson at nursing.research@usask.ca.

  1. Sign-in with the NURSE team in Room 4325 E-Wing (next door to the Project Planning Room). As part of our monitoring process to help us determine the usage and functionality of the space, you are required to sign in upon entering the room.
  2. Please keep to the schedule and arrive on time for your research event. The room will be released for other users after 15 minutes if the person who reserved the room is not present.
  3. After your event, you will receive an email requesting feedback on your experience using the Project Planning Room. We are gathering information on the purpose for which the allocated space is used, suitability of the space for our users and whether there are discrepancies between capacity and room size, etc.

  1. The Nursing Unit for Research and Scholarship Excellence (NURSE) reserves the right to determine whether the room is being used in accordance with the usage guidelines. Provide as much detail as possible when completing your reservation to ensure the research and scholarship purpose of your event is clear.
  2. Restore room to its original setting: The room must be left in the condition in which it was found. Leave the space ready for the next party by ensuring that you clean up and re-arrange the furniture to its original setting. Wipe up any food and/or drink spills and discard trash in the garbage and recycling bins provided.
  3. Oversight for Project Planning Room: NURSE staff provide oversight for the room and will be on-hand within the linked NURSE office, however, they are not required to provide specific event support.
  4. Keep all valuable personal items with you and do not leave them unattended at any time. NURSE and the College of Nursing are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  5. Event organizers and attendees will be courteous and respectful to others. The room is a co-working space and we want everyone to have a positive experience. Therefore, certain behaviours on 4th floor E-Wing, including sleeping, illegal activity, rudeness, and/or abuse of any kind are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
  6. Event organizers and attendees will be mindful of noise levels. The room is within the faculty office wing (E-Wing) of the College of Nursing and is next to the NURSE office, which is occupied by the College’s research administration team. Please be mindful of the noise level (i.e., avoid shouting, loud music or videos) during your event, and be prepared to decrease noise level upon request.
  7. Loitering is not allowed. The room is reserved for meaningful and constructive collaborative work to enhance research and scholarship excellence in the college. It is not an open gathering space for studying, etc. When not in use, the external door will remain locked.