Nurse Practitioner Program Overview

The College of Nursing offers a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner program with two admission options: Master of Nursing Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner and Postgraduate Degree Specialization Certificate Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner.

Advantages of our Nurse Practitioner Program

Learn Where You Live. Web-based classes allow students to participate and actively engage in learning from their home community.

Flexibility. Full and part-time study options. Students studying full-time can complete the program in two years and students studying part-time over three years.

Quality & Relevance. The program begins with foundational classes in advanced practice nursing, followed by clinical practice in the second half of the program, providing opportunity for students to apply, refine and consolidate knowledge. 

Clinical Experiences That Help Launch Your Career. Clinical placements in a variety of primary care settings across the province and country, supervised by experienced faculty and preceptors. These clinical placements provide opportunity for students to develop essential nurse practitioner entry level competencies, participate in interprofessional learning, and network with other health care providers. 

Exceptional Faculty. Qualified nurse practitioners with clinical expertise who are actively engaged in regular clinical practice.

Professional Support with a Personal Touch. Professional instruction and support, such as academic advising, clinical placement coordination and IT help, founded on student-centred approaches.

Program Objectives

A student completing the Nurse Practitioner program will be able to:

  • meet the professional practice, ethical standards and entry level competencies for nurse practitioners with respect to the safe and effective delivery of primary health care to individuals, families and communities
  • use the principles of evidence-informed practice and possess the ability to contribute to the body of evidence related to primary health care
  • creatively respond to the health needs of individuals, families, groups, communities and populations
  • demonstrate skills in leadership, interprofessional collaboration and community development
  • further study at the doctoral level

There is a one week residency requirement (on-site in Saskatoon) in NURS 875.3 Transition to Advanced Nursing Practice.

Program Delivery

Courses are offered through live web-conference seminars (synchronous). This live seminar format allows distance students to actively participate in classroom discussions.


Graduate Program Information Session - 2023