College-branded items can be great tools to promote our programs, reinforce our presence in Saskatchewan and give personal thanks, but consideration must be given to the use of the item by the end-user. If the end-user doesn’t perceive value from the item, it often ends up in the garbage. Branded items definitely have a place and time for use, but alternatives to traditional promotional items should also be considered. If there isn’t a promotional product available here that effectively meets the need of your end-user, consider doing something else, more meaningful, in its place.
Guidelines for Promotional Item Use
Requested Use |
Dollar Amount Maximum |
Instructional Activities, including speaker gifts and thank you items | $150 per person per academic year |
New Faculty Orientation | $15 per new faculty member |
Miscellaneous | Requests to be evaluated on an individual basis |
Requested Use |
Dollar Amount Maximum |
Recruitment | $75 per event |
Student Orientation | $10 per student per academic year |
Clinical Instructor Orientation | $20 per instructor per academic year |
College Organized Events (alumni reunions, open houses, deans tour, etc.) | $75 per event |
Thank You Gifts | $20 per gift; overall maximum of $60 per academic year per staff member |
New Staff Orientation | $15 per new staff member |
Miscellaneous | Requests to be evaluated on an individual basis |
Requested Use |
Dollar Amount Maximum |
Door prizes and auction items for fundraisers | $30 per event |
Outreach during clinical placements (ie. Presenting information to a group of high school students) | $50 per clinical placement per campus per term |
Poster presentation | $20 per event |
Student Council Gifts | $20 per student on council per campus |
Miscellaneous | Requests to be evaluated on an individual basis |
Tracking Promotional Product Spending
There is a centralized tracking system to monitor the distribution of promotional items. For each request received, your name, the item(s) and total dollar value of items requested is recorded. If your maximum allocation has been reached, the request will not be fulfilled and you will be notified.
Returning Unused Promotional Items
If promotional items have been requested and not used, please return them to the College of Nursing campus where they were picked up. Unused promotional items that are returned will be tracked and credited back to your allocation if applicable.
Option to Purchase Promotional Items
The College of Nursing understands there may be instances where you may exceed your maximum allocated use, but still require items. In these instances, specific promotional product orders may be requested using a fund specified by you.
Individual orders of promotional items will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested in purchasing promotional items from your own budget, please email the Senior College of Nursing Marketing and Communications Specialist to discuss.
Comments, Questions and/or Concerns
Any comments, questions and/or concerns regarding promotional item requests should be directed to the Senior College of Nursing Marketing and Communications Specialist. The complete College of Nursing promotional product policy can be found here.
Available Promotional Items
A list of all available promotional products is below. Current pricing for all items is listed on the order form.
Please note that item availability is not guaranteed and may vary depending on site, as well as timing of the request.
How to Request Promotional Items
All requests must be received a minimum of five business days in advance of required pick-up. An email notification will be generated when items are available.
College of Nursing Faculty, Instructors and Staff
Promotional item requests for College of Nursing faculty, instructors and staff must be made by filling out the promotional item request form. Emailed requests will not be processed.
Promotional Item Request Form
College of Nursing Students
Promotional item requests can be made by College of Nursing students by emailing one of the following:
Saskatoon/Distributed Sites - Roxanne Cossette
Prince Albert/North - Sherri Haleschuk