Master of Nursing - Nurse Practitioner
- Program Overview
- Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner
- Post-Graduate Practitioner Certificate
Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner
The College of Nursing offers registered nurses an opportunity to pursue a Master of Nursing Degree, with an advanced clinical practice focus (Nurse Practitioner). After successful completion of 36 credit units of study and a minimum of 720 practicum hours, students are eligible to write the national Canadian Nurse Practitioner Examinations: Family/All Ages (CNPE:F/AA) or other jurisdictionally approved Family Nurse Practitioner licensing exam.
The Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner program is designed so students can complete it full-time over two years or part-time over three years.
Courses are offered through live web-conference seminars (synchronous). This live seminar format allows distance students to actively participate in classroom discussions.
Degree requirements can be found here.