College of Nursing
Scholarly Writing
The following list of resources is provided to assist students in writing scholarly papers and in determining what is meant by the term scholarly references. You are encouraged to also check with the library at your campus for additional resources.
University of Saskatchewan Resources
University of Saskatchewan Learning Commons Assignment Planner
- Input the start date and due date for your paper and you will be given a timeline for completing each step in the research and writing process. Links are provided to online resources and guides to support the activities in each step.
University Learning Centre Writing Help
- Find information on drop-in tutoring, online tutoring and resources, writing help videos, as well as information about writing workshops on essay-writing, punctuation, grammar, organization, thesis statements and clarity.
Dedicated Writing Support for Nursing Students
- The USask Library Writing Centre has a dedicated writing tutor for undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Nursing.
Appointment Availability
The writing tutor is available for Zoom or in-person appointments on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 4 and 7 PM and Saturdays between 12 and 3 PM. Book your appointment up to two weeks in advance. If our appointment timeframes don’t work for you, simply book an appointment with a central Writing Centre tutor, but remember to read the tutor bios to ensure that you are selecting the best tutor for the job.
Email Support, Drop-in, and Central Appointment Booking
- Email support is available, with a 24–48-hour turnaround time. Submit your work at any stage of the writing process!
Nursing LibGuide
- Visit the ‘Get Help' tab and section called 'Get Writing Help - Just for Nurses!' that provides a list of print and electronic books available at the U of S Library.
Citation Style Guides
- Visit this site for anything related to citation, in particular, visit the ‘APA Style' and ‘Why to Cite Sources: Academic Honesty & Plagiarism' tabs.
Learning How to Write to Avoid Plagiarism
- Rutgers University tutorial video
- Acadia University tutorial on plagiarism
- How Not to Plagiarize from University of Toronto Writing Centre
- Electronic Reference Formatfrom the American Psychological Association
Information on Scholarly References
- References for college papers. University of Wisconsin- Dutch, S. (2008)
Additional APA Resources for Students
The following APA resources and examples have been prepared by Arlene Kent-Wilkinson RN, PhD, Professor, College of Nursing for students in our graduate and undergraduate programs.