College of Nursing

Student Uniforms

Student Uniforms

A standard uniform is required for all students enrolled in undergraduate nursing programs at USask. Uniforms worn during clinical practice while working with patients/clients will enhance professionalism, infection control, personal safety and role identification.

Students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program require a uniform upon admission to Nursing for year two, following the pre-professional year of the program. Students in the Post-Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing option should purchase their uniforms in their first year of study.

Uniforms sourced from Mobb Medical, PROfessional Choice, Cherokee, and Sketchers can be ordered and purchased from the suppliers listed below. Additionally, students can order their uniforms online from The Uniform Choice. To ensure a reasonable shipping expectation time, students should allow at least three weeks from the time they place their online order.

Uniform Suppliers

The Uniform Choice
7A-3110 8th Street East
Saskatoon, SK
(306) 651-0388
Dorothy Pearl Uniforms
357 Albert Street​
Regina, SK
(306) 347-3137
Saskatchewan Abilities Council
825 McDonald Street
Regina, SK
(306) 569-9048
North Star Screenprinting and Embroidery
897 Central Avenue
Prince Albert, SK
(306) 764-2342

For northern students in La Ronge, Île-à-la-Crosse and North Battleford:
Please see the uniform suppliers list above.

Uniform Styles

Students can choose from two uniform looks that include a top with the USask Nursing logo:

  • White logo top and green bottom (spruce/forest or hunter)


  • Green logo top and matching green bottom (hunter green only).

If students choose to wear a jacket/sweater in addition to the uniform, it must be an approved USask logo white uniform jacket. The following links provide the list of approved styles and a preview of current white top and spruce/forest green bottom options and the new hunter green options.

Once students have selected a style and size, the suppliers will send the uniforms out to have the USask crest embroidered onto the top. Please order as soon as possible once accepted into the program to avoid delays as order processing may take up to three weeks. Students cannot attend clinical without a standard College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan uniform. Please see the Professional Appearance Policy for more information.