College of Nursing

Library Information

Library Information for Nursing

As a student of the University of Saskatchewan, you have remote access to a number of electronic resources through the University of Saskatchewan Library.

The Health Sciences Library website has links to all of the library databases, electronic journals and the library catalogue. The website also includes online reference, library hours, staff contacts and a link to renew library materials. Note: any journal article or book not held at U of S can always be obtained on your behalf from another library. There is no charge for this service.

For information about library resources and services related specifically to nursing, access the Nursing LibGuide.

Guide to USask Databases and Electronic Journals

A complete list of databases is located on the Health Science Library website, as well as a list of databases that are specific to the health sciences. The library also maintains a database of online journals, in which you can retrieve full text articles anywhere there is an Internet connection.

Find Nursing Articles with CINAHL

The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) is the definitive nursing database providing full text for more than 560 journals and abstracts and indexing for over 3,000 journals covering nursing and allied health topics.

Manage References

Learn how to organize your references and use a reference manager (such as EndNote, EndNote Basic, Mendeley or Zotero) to make it easy to create in-text citations and bibliographies in any style you want. Learn more about reference managers here.

Distance and Distributed Library Services

The USask Library offers Distance and Distributed Library Services. Nursing students can register with the USask Library to have books mailed to you anywhere in Canada or scanned book chapters and journal articles emailed to you. This is a free service but requires registration.

You can access electronic journals, databases and e-books when you are off campus if you are logged in using your NSID. Learn more about connecting to library resources when off campus.


Health Sciences Librarians will assist you with course assignments, research questions, developing search strategies for literature reviews, or answer any questions about the library and its services.

The Nursing Liaison Librarian can help you with questions you have related to your research, or questions about library resources and services. Students are strongly encouraged to make an appointment with a librarian to take advantage of this service.

Examples of questions the Nursing Liaison Librarian can assist you with include:

  • Can you help me find books and articles for my paper?
  • Can you teach me how to use CINAHL (or another database)?
  • Can you help me with my literature review?
  • What is a reference manager (like EndNote)? How do I use it?

You can contact the Health Sciences Library by phone at (306) 966-5991, or get help from library staff using the library’s instant messaging service