Technology information can also be found under the Technology Info button on the quick links of each Canvas course homepage.

General IT Support

General IT help for students is provided by the University ICT Service Desk.

Please visit the other technology pages for more information on whom to contact for the College specific tools.

Access to a Computer

The nursing program makes extensive use of online and electronic resources. Students will be required to have regular access to a late model computer and a reliable high speed internet connection in order to be successful in the program. Nursing students are eligible for the Microsoft Student Advantage program which provides free access to full versions of Microsoft Office applications on a variety of devices.

Mobile Devices

Access to information on demand at point-of-care is becoming a key component of health care practice. Students will be required to have a mobile device for use in the undergraduate program.

Panopto Recordings

Lecture captures, recordings and college videos are generally stored in the Panopto system.

Web Conferencing

The University uses tools for web conferencing in both classes and for meetings. Information on the various web conferencing tools is available through PAWS.

Nursing Central

Nursing Central is the premier source of disease, drug and test information for nurses. It also includes a leading dictionary, literature searching and a study system. Get quick answers wherever you need them - on your mobile device or the web.


ExamSoft is an exam delivery application that allows nursing students to complete exams electronically. Examsoft is used by students in the Nurse Practitioner Program.

Editor - Replacement for Grammarly within Word

The College of Nursing is no longer providing access to Grammarly as Microsoft Word provides similar functionality through the Editor tool.

HESI Tests

Spread through the undergraduate Nursing curriculum, the HESI Tests provide you with an introduction to standardized testing and application-level questions similar to what you will encounter on the NCLEX-RN and HESI exams. HESI tests are provided through the Evolve website. In NURS 203 you will sign up for an account which will be used through your entire undergraduate program.

HESI Exit and CAT exams in NURS 441

The Exit 1 and Exit 2 exams will provide you with a remediation plan to prepare for the NCLEX exam. The CAT (Computer Adaptive Test) exam will help eliminate test-day anxiety by providing you with an exam experience just like the actual NCLEX.


The College of Nursing uses the Health Sciences Placement Network (HSPnet) to manage all clinical placements.