Professional Appearance for Clinical Practice
- To promote a professional style of dress appropriate for the delivery of professional nursing care.
- To promote communication by clearly identifying name, year in program for students or faculty role.
- To promote infection prevention and control.
- To comply with safety guidelines and pertinent legislation.
The College of Nursing professional appearance policy is based on principles of professionalism, infection control, personal safety and role identification.
Students who are not following the principles of this policy may be asked to leave the clinical setting. In this case, the time away will be considered under the Attendance Policy.
Considerations may be made for individual dress that is specific to cultural or religious beliefs.
Appearance is a form of non-verbal communication and is essential in projecting a professional image. Therefore, in the clinical settings students are required to adhere to the following principles:
- Wear a College of Nursing standard uniform for all clinical settings unless otherwise specified. Garments worn under the uniform top must not be colored or long sleeved. Uniforms must be clean, in good repair and appropriate in fit. Pants should be hemmed above the heel line. Uniform skirts should be at knee level or below. Uniforms should fully cover undergarments.
- The College of Nursing uniform consists of a white top and a green bottom or matching green top and bottom with the College of Nursing logo embroidered directly on the front upper left of the top.
- Where appropriate and necessary, students will follow the protocols of individual departments, units or services that have specific dress code requirements.
- In settings where the standard uniform is not worn (e.g., Community), students should demonstrate good judgment in selecting appropriate clothing to display a professional image while following the specific dress requirements of the agency. Clothing should not be low cut at the neck or tight across the chest and hips. Ensure that there is no exposure of the chest, midriff, lower back, or shoulders. Undergarments should not be visible at any time. Avoid casual clothing such as sweatshirts, yoga pants, jeans.
- Shoes must have closed toes and closed heel with a non-slip, non-marking sole and low heel.
- Must be clean and in good repair
- Must be easily wipe-able in the event of contamination.
- Footwear used in the clinical setting is not to be worn outside of the clinical setting.
- Only very small, securely fastened stud like jewelry may be worn in facial or other visible body piercings, including tongue piercings.
- Shall not include piercings on the hand or wrist.
- Those piercings that are unhealed or infected will be covered and contained before commencing duty.
- Tattoos shall be covered if deemed inappropriate by the clinical instructor, unit, or service manager during clinical placements (if doing so does not interfere with proper infection control techniques such as hand hygiene).
- Tattoos that are unhealed or infected will be covered and contained before commencing patient care.
- Perfume, cologne, and other scented body products shall not be worn.
- Other cosmetics should be worn in moderation. Use good judgment in wearing appropriate quantity of makeup.
Personal Hygiene
- Students should practice good personal hygiene, including control of body odor and cleanliness.
Infection Control
- Must be clean and well-groomed. Long hair must be tied up and away from the face.
- Beards and moustaches must be clean and well-groomed.
- Short and clean
- No nail polish
- No artificial/gel nails/nail extensions
- Plain, flat, smooth rings may be worn. Cannot wear rings with exposed stones.
- No bracelets unless a medical ID bracelet (must be taken off during hand washing).
- Watches can be worn high on the arm or taken off during hand washing. Must be cleaned after each shift.
- Can include necklaces if worn inside of clothing.
- Small stud like earrings may be worn.
- Uniforms are not to be worn to and from the clinical setting. Uniforms should be changed/cleaned daily. If a student’s uniform is contaminated with blood or bodily fluid during a shift the student must change. The RHA/SCA will provide decontamination services if appropriate and provide the student with an alternative uniform for the remainder of the shift.
- Gowns/protective wear provided on a unit shall not be worn off the unit or for any other purpose than it was intended for.
- When not being used, stethoscopes must be kept in your pocket.
- Stethoscopes should be cleaned between each patient.
Role Identification
- College of Nursing photo ID badge must be worn and visible at all times. ID badge is to be worn at chest level.