Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Academic Regulation
- Grading
Academic Regulation
Academic regulations of the University of Saskatchewan apply to all students and courses in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. For general University of Saskatchewan regulations, refer to the University of Saskatchewan course catalogue. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact the College of Nursing Associate Dean responsible for your site.
Academic Appeals
There are three types of student matters facilitated by the Office of the University Secretary: appeals in academic matters, academic misconduct and non-academic misconduct. Learn more about these processes and how they may apply here.
The following is an example of a re-assessment of grading:
Step 1: Informal Consultation with Instructor
- Should occur as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after grades are available
Step 2: Formal Re-Assessment (Re-read) at the College level
- Complete a Request For and Report of Re-Assessment Form within 30 days of the informal consultation with the instructor
- Notification of the mark will be within 30 days of the results of the re-assessment
Supplemental Final Exams
- Request for supplemental exams must be made within three weeks of the end of the exam period.
What is Academic Honesty?
The Guidelines for Academic Conduct from the University of Saskatchewan can be found here.
What is Academic Misconduct?
"Academic Misconduct" is what the university calls cheating. The University of Saskatchewan Regulations on Student Academic Misconduct provides a list of academically dishonest behaviour.
When an instructor or invigilator believes a student has cheated, the University of Saskatchewan Regulations on Student Academic Misconduct now lists two procedures which can be followed. These regulations came into effect January 1, 2017.