Bachelor of Science in Nursing


A percentage grading system is used in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Academic or clinical performance meriting a particular grade is described by a term called a literal descriptor. The relationship between the literal descriptors and percentage grades is shown below. For more information on grading see undergraduate policies:

Note: each classification in italics are particular to the College of Nursing. They are specifically, although not exclusively, designed for use in clinical and lab situations.

University of Saskatchewan Literal Descriptors for Determination of Grades

Percentage: 90-100


A superior performance with consistent strong evidence of the following:

  • a comprehensive, incisive grasp of the subject matter;
  • an ability to make insightful critical evaluation of the material given;
  • an exceptional capacity for original, creative and/or logical thinking; and
  • an excellent ability to organize, analyze, synthesize, integrate ideas and express thoughts fluently.

College of Nursing Literal Descriptors

  • consistent superior praxis (applying, adapting and generating knowledge in practice);
  • consistent accountability;
  • consistent insightful and effective interpersonal relationships; and
  • consistent and appropriate self-direction.

Percentage: 80-89


An excellent performance with strong evidence of the following:

  • a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter;
  • an ability to make sound critical evaluation of the material given;
  • a very good capacity for original, creative and/or logical thinking; and
  • an excellent ability to organize, analyze, synthesize, integrate ideas and to express thought fluently.

College of Nursing Literal Descriptors

  • superior praxis (applying, adapting and generating knowledge in practice);
  • consistent accountability;
  • consistent effective interpersonal relationships; and
  • consistent and appropriate self-direction.

Percentage: 70-79


A good performance with evidence of the following:

  • a substantial knowledge of the subject matter;
  • a good understanding of the relevant issues and a good familiarity with the relevant literature and techniques;
  • some capacity for original, creative and/or logical thinking;
  • a good ability to organize, analyze and examine the subject material in a critical and constructive manner.

College of Nursing Literal Descriptors

  • sound praxis (applying, adapting and generating knowledge in practice);
  • consistent accountability;
  • consistent effective interpersonal relationships; and
  • decision making which required minimal support.

Percentage: 60-69


A generally satisfactory and intellectually adequate performance with evidence of the following:

  • an acceptable basic grasp of the subject material;
  • a fair understanding of relevant issues;
  • a general familiarity with the relevant literature and techniques; and
  • an ability to develop solutions to moderately difficult problems related to the subject material.

College of Nursing Literal Descriptors

  • a moderate ability to examine the material in a critical and analytical manner;
  • reasonable praxis (applying, adapting and generating knowledge in practice);
  • consistent accountability;
  • effective interpersonal relationships generally; and
  • decision making which requires average support.

Percentage: 50-59

Minimal Pass

A barely acceptable performance with evidence of the following:

  • a familiarity with the subject material;
  • some evidence that analytical skills have been developed;
  • some understanding of relevant issues; and
  • some familiarity with the relevant literature and techniques.

College of Nursing Descriptors

  • attempts to solve moderately difficult problems related to the subject material and to examine the material in a critical and analytical manner are only partially successful;
  • inconsistent praxis (applying, adapting and generating knowledge in practice);
  • developing accountability;
  • inconsistent ability to establish effective interpersonal relationships; and
  • decision making which requires more than average support.

Percentage: <50


An unacceptable performance.

College of Nursing Descriptors:

  • poor praxis (applying, adapting and generating knowledge in practice);
  • lack of accountability;
  • inability to establish effective interpersonal relationships; and
  • inability and/or inappropriateness in decision making.