The College of Nursing, Nursing Unit for Research and Scholarship Excellence (NURSE) is pleased to accept nominations for the following faculty research excellence awards. Online nominations are open from January 15th – March 5th.
Research Excellence Award in Community-Engaged Health and Nursing Research
This award recognizes a faculty member in the College of Nursing who has shown the highest level of excellence and had a significant impact in Community-Engaged Health and Nursing Research. Excellence can be in the form of research that is rigorous, inclusive and conducted in ways that meaningfully integrate a diversity of perspectives, disciplines, and methods in order to maximize impact and benefit to society.
Research Excellence Award in Health Equity Research
This award recognizes a faculty member in the College of Nursing who has shown the highest level of excellence and had a significant impact in Health Equity Research. Excellence can be in the form of research that is rigorous, inclusive and conducted in ways that meaningfully integrate a diversity of perspectives, disciplines, and methods in order to maximize impact and benefit to society.
Research Excellence Award in Innovation in Health Systems and Education Research
This award recognizes a faculty member in the College of Nursing who has shown the highest level of excellence and had a significant impact in Innovations in Health Systems and Education Research. Excellence can be in the form of research that is rigorous, inclusive and conducted in ways that meaningfully integrate a diversity of perspectives, disciplines, and methods in order to maximize impact and benefit to society.
If you know of a USask College of Nursing faculty member you would like to nominate for a Faculty Research Excellence Award, please view the nomination process.
College of Nursing Research Excellence Awards Timeline
Number Available
There will be one award announced for each category per year, however, there is no obligation to award if suitable nominations are not received.
For each category, award recipients will receive the following recognitions:
- $1,500 research award
- A small, personalized trophy
- A personal awards letter for their files
Award recipients will be honoured at a College of Nursing Research Excellence celebration hosted during Nursing Week and invited to provide a lecture during future research events. Award announcements will also be made on the College of Nursing website and social media platforms. Recipients will also be recognized on award plaques displayed in the NURSE Project Planning Room.
The College of Nursing Faculty Research Excellence Awards are open to all faculty members in the College of Nursing. The College of Nursing encourages nominations of individuals from equity groups including persons of Indigenous ancestry, members of racialized groups, and people living with disabilities. Research shows that these groups are under-represented in receiving research awards and, therefore, we encourage nominators to consider their colleagues who may have historically been passed over.
Nomination Process
Candidates will be nominated by two individuals. One nominator must be a faculty member in the College of Nursing. The second nominator can be a faculty member from another USask unit or another post-secondary institution, a graduate student, alumni, non-academic, community partner, Indigenous community, or industry partner. The nominators will complete and submit a nominations package via the nominations link which will include:
- A jointly written letter by the nominators summarizing the nominee’s research achievements and addressing the selection criteria; letter should not exceed three pages. This information should include a description of the most significant contribution to nursing and health and consideration of how the research has contributed to EDI.
- An up-to-date full academic University of Saskatchewan (USask) curriculum vitae (UnivRS).
Award Criteria
- Contribute to the advancement of the College of Nursing Community-Engaged Health and Nursing Research, Health Equity Research, or Innovation in Health Systems and Education Research signature area and the advancement of the nursing profession.
- Principal and Co-Principal grants awarded
- Evidence of peer-reviewed work
- Evidence of external peer review funding
- International and national recognition(s)
- Striving to promote EDI in research and/or within a research team
- Enhanced collaborative practice
- Evidence of mentorship and support of graduate students
- Evidence of training and mentorship Knowledge mobilization beyond academia
- Meaningful engagement of partners in the research process
- Indigenous research is guided by spirit of reconciliation and co-existence (if applicable)
Selection Process and Adjudication Criteria
- All nomination packages will be reviewed by members of the College of Nursing Research and Scholarship Committee. In cases of bias, alternative reviewers will be recruited as required.
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) principles will be considered in the decision-making process. While it is not mandatory to provide a statement about EDI, the nominee, or nominators with consent of the nominee, may provide a brief statement regarding the EDI context of the nominee. More information on EDI can be found here.
- The College of Nursing Research and Scholarship Committee will use the adjudication rubric found here.