Recipients of the 2024 College of Nursing Global Engagement Fund awards.

Celebrating Global Engagement Fund Recipients

Seven College of Nursing research teams awarded global engagement funds.

The University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing wishes to congratulate seven research teams, who were recently awarded 2024 College of Nursing Global Engagement Fund awards.

“These awards were established to give nurse researchers the opportunity to build international research connections,” said College of Nursing Director of Globalization Ana Carolina Maldonado.

“Their projects promise to be of impact to advance equity, diversity and inclusion, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the College of Nursing Signature Areas of Research.”

Congratulations to the following College of Nursing researchers and their teams. Each team has been granted $10,000.

Dr. Sithokozile Maposa (PhD)

Dr. Sithokozile Maposa (PhD)

Project Title: A Nursing Vision of Hope: Strengthening & Developing A North-South Academic and Research Community of Practice to Support People in Complex Life Situations.
Co-Investigators: Jose Diego Marques Santos
Partner Institution and Country: Federal University of Piauí, Brazil

Dr. Schroder Sattar (PhD)

Dr. Schroder Sattar (PhD)

Project Title: Bridging Borders to Advance Geriatric Oncology Research on Falls and Frailty in Older Cancer Patients: A Franco-Canadian Research Partnership.
Partner Institution and Country: OncoNormandie University Hospital, France

Dr. Roslyn Compton (PhD)

Dr. Roslyn Compton (PhD)

Project Title: Growing Green Care Farms for Persons Living with Dementia in Saskatchewan.
Co-Investigators: Hadiya Huijer, Mariana dos Santos Ribeiro (Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Student)
Partner Institution and Country: Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Dr. Charlene Thompson (PhD)

Dr. Charlene Thompson (PhD)

Project Title: Innovative Rural-Driven Solutions to Improve Immunization Programs in South-West Saskatchewan.
Co-Investigators: Dr. Jacob Alhassan (PhD), Dr. Wanda Martin (PhD), Dr. Christine Huel (PhD), Dr. Shelley Kirychuk (PhD), Alejandra Fonseca
Partner Institution and Country: Saskatchewan South West Health Network, Canada

Dr. Jill Bally (PhD)

Dr. Shelley Spurr (PhD)

Drs. Jill Bally (PhD) and Shelley Spurr (PhD)

Project Title: Keeping Hope Possible: An International Collaboration to Develop Relationships and International Hope Research.
Partner Institutions and Countries: University of Brasilia, Brazil; University of Sao Carlos, Brazil; Catholic University of Portugal, Portugal

Dr. Geoffrey Maina (PhD)

Dr. Geoffrey Maina (PhD)

Project Title: Understanding and Responding to the Impact of Addiction on Families in Cape Town, South Africa: An Art-based Pilot Study.
Co-Investigators: Dr. Abukari Kwame (PhD) (Postdoctoral Fellow), Thea Herzog
Partner Institution and Country: University of Western Cape, South Africa

Dr. Jodie Bigalky (PhD)

Dr. Jodie Bigalky (PhD)

Project Title: Unveiling Menstrual Experiences: A Collaborative Study to Address and Advocate for Menstrual Equity in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Co-Investigators: April Mackey, Dr. Pammla Petrucka (PhD)
Partner Institution and Country: University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto, Brazil


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