College of Nursing
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards
Graduate Scholarships, Bursaries & Awards
Please note: Application forms are made available in Spring each year. All students enrolled in a College of Nursing graduate program will receive an email when the applications are available.
Annie I. Earle Award for Nurses
Value: Value to be determined annually
Description: May be awarded annually to graduates of a Saskatchewan Nursing program pursuing a master or doctoral degree in nursing or related field.
Eligibility: The applicant must provide proof of Canadian citizenship and have completed a nursing program leading to a Registered Nurse qualification within the province of Saskatchewan. The applicant must have two or more years of nursing experience following graduation and be currently employed in nursing in Saskatchewan. Two professional clinical reference letters are required to substantiate the applicant's ability in clinical practice.
Claire Kramer Award in Nursing
Value: One award based on financial resources available
Description: To award undergraduate or graduate students in the College of Nursing for their contributions to clinical or research activities intended to enhance the health and well-being of older adults with compassion and respect.
Eligibility: Open to current undergraduate and graduate students from rural Saskatchewan in the College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan. To be eligible, students must be pursuing clinical or research activities geared towards improving the health and well-being (including palliative care) for older adults. Preference will be given to a student in the graduate program who provides leadership in knowledge sharing across health disciplines that will improve the lives of older adults. If there are no eligible students from rural Saskatchewan, students from urban Saskatchewan will be considered. Please provide proof of rural address (eg. copy of driver's license or recently addressed mail).
College of Nursing PhD Funding Policy
Value: $20,000 per year for first four years of the program
Description: To support PhD students in completing their program efficiently and timely.
Eligibility: PhD applicants offered admission who:
- Will be registered in six credit units of study while completing course work
- Will work 12 hours of less per week
- Recipients will provide the College of Nursing with six hours of weekly research or teaching assistance during years two, three and four.
- Recipients must apply for tri-agency funding, Dean’s, or other scholarships (as eligible) to maintain funding in subsequent years
- Success in external and internal scholarship competitions will affect the students funding in the following way:
- $0-$3,000 CAD – The student can keep the award up to a combined maximum of $3,000CAD in addition to their base funding.
- $3,000-$20,000 CAD (cumulative awards) – The award goes towards the student’s base funding, and the student receives a $x amount of top-up to reach their base funding.
- Over $20,000 CAD (cumulative awards). – The award goes towards the student’s base funding, and the student does not receive any funding from the College of Nursing toward their base funding.
An application to this funding opportunity is not required. The funding is offered to all PhD applicants who are offered admission to the PhD program.
College of Nursing 85th Anniversary Graduate Program Scholarship
Value: Two annual awards for Master of Nursing Thesis students valued at $15,000 and two annual awards for PhD students valued at $20,000.
Description: To recognize the academic achievement and research potential of graduate students in the College of Nursing.
Eligibility: Open to Master of Nursing Thesis students and PhD students who are entering their first year of study and have an admission average of 80% or greater. Must enroll in a minimum of six credit units of course work in each of the Fall and Winter terms of the first year of study. Selection will be based upon research ability and potential (50%) and academic performance/experience (50%). Applicants will need to provide a statement of research (500-1000 words) outlining their research question(s) and objective(s). Preference may be given to international students.
College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) Nurse Practitioner Award
Value: $500
Number Available: 1
Description: This award will recognize a Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) student who has demonstrated a contribution to advancing the profession of nursing in a clinical area, or through contribution to the work of the CRNS, or other professional associations/agencies.
Eligibility: Applicants must:
- be registered in the Master of Nursing - Nurse Practitioner program, University of Saskatchewan.
- be currently registered as a Registered Nurse with the CRNS.
- submit a one-page letter describing their contribution to advancing the profession of nursing in a clinical area or through contribution to the work of the CRNS or other professional associations/agencies.
Preference will be given to students who are registered in their first practicum course (NURS 880) in the program to support travel and/or relocation for practicum placements.
Visit the CRNS website for valuable information about Professional Practice Groups, New Nurses of Saskatchewan and Nurse Practitioner RN(NP).
Ernest and Isabella Forsman Bursary
Value: Value to be determined annually
Description: Awarded annually to a student in graduate studies in Nursing at the University of Saskatchewan.
Eligibility: Student must have been accepted as a fully qualified graduate student in the College of Graduate Studies and Research. The award is to be made primarily on the basis of academic achievement and financial need (must submit financial need calculator). Potential for making a contribution to the field of Gerontological Nursing and/or long-term care will also be considered.
The Influence of Educators Award supported by Jo Bannatyne-Cugnet BSN’74
Value: Two awards of $5,000
Description: To award the academic achievement of undergraduate nursing students who are graduating or graduated with their BSN, from the University of Saskatchewan who wish to further their education and pursue their Masters of Nursing Thesis or Master of Nursing Professional Practice (course-based).
Eligibility: Open to Saskatchewan residents in the College of Nursing who wish to further their education and complete the Master of Nursing Thesis or Master of Nursing Professional Practice (course based) programs. Applicants must:
- Have graduated from a high school in Saskatchewan
- Have graduated with their BSN degree from the University of Saskatchewan
- Be entering or enrolled in the Master of Nursing Thesis or Master of Nursing Professional Practice program.
- Live in Saskatchewan
- Submit a statement (1 page maximum) which expresses their wish to enroll and complete the MN Thesis or MN Professional Practice program.
The Judy Gajadharsingh Award for Graduate Student Excellent in Dementia/Alzheimer Research
Value: Annual gifts of at least $1,000
Description: To award a nursing student in the Master’s thesis or PhD program, or a Postdoctoral Fellow whose research focus will contribute to Dementia/Alzheimer’s care, research, or education.
Eligibility: The applicant must submit a personal letter describing their research on improvements in Dementia/Alzheimer’s research, care, or education. A reference letter is required from a faculty member who is aware of, or involved in their research.
June Peterson-Barber Nurse Practitioner Award
Value: Two awards of $5,000
Description: To build capacity for Rural Primary Health Care by supporting compassionate and caring continuing Nurse Practitioner students at the College of Nursing who have an interest in rural nursing in a community where the desire for quality of care is evidenced.
Eligibility: Open to continuing Nurse Practitioner students in the Nurse Practitioner program at the College of Nursing. To be eligible, applicants must submit a personal letter describing their desire and ideas for improving rural health as a Nurse Practitioner and submit a reference letter from an instructor/faculty member outlining the student's compassionate and caring desire and ability to make a positive difference. Preference will be given to students who have experienced a clinical course or have clinical experience. Selection will be based on the merits of the submitted statements, as determined by the Awards Committee.
Lucy D. Willis Scholarship
Value: Value to be determined annually
Description: Awarded annually to alumni of the University of Saskatchewan, pursuing a master's or doctoral degree in Nursing or related field.
Eligibility: Applicants must submit an explanation (250 words maximum) describing their potential for making a contribution to nursing. Past recipients of this scholarship are not eligible.
Margaret Inglis Graduate Bursary in Nursing
Value: Value to be determined annually
Description: To provide bursaries for graduate studies in the College of Nursing.
Eligibility: Open to students entering the graduate program in the College of Nursing. Based on financial need (submit financial need form).
Marion Ruth Jackson Quality of Patient Care Fund
Value: Value to be determined annually
Description: To support graduate student research directed to the quality of patient care.
Eligibility: Open to current Master of Nursing Thesis and PhD students who have completed all required course work and their proposal defense. Applicants must submit an explanation (500 words maximum) describing how their research will impact the quality of patient care. Preference will be given to applicants doing Patient Orientated Research.
Mavis Kyle Evans Nursing Leadership Scholarship
Value: Value to be determined annually
Description: This scholarship is provided in memory of Prof. Emerita Mavis Evans. It is offered annually to an entering or continuing Master of Nursing student.
Eligibility: Applicants must be in good academic standing and must submit a reference letter from a faculty member, instructor or nurse leader outlining how the candidate exemplifies leadership and passion for the nursing profession. Submit a personal statement up to 500 words outlining how their leadership and passion for the profession of nursing has contributed to the nursing profession. Selection will be based on academic achievement and the merits of the submitted statements.
Mrs. Jane Pinkney and Dr. George H. Peacock Memorial Scholarship in Cancer Care or Research in Nursing
Value: One award of a minimum of $500
Description: To award the academic achievement of graduate students in the College of Nursing involved with cancer care or cancer research; preference given to PhD or Master of Nursing students in a thesis-based program.
Eligibility: Open to graduate students in the College of Nursing involved in cancer care or cancer research. Selection will be based on academic achievement.
Muriel E. Kavanagh Memorial Fund
Value: Value to be determined annually
Description: Award is given to provide financial assistance to graduate students who are completing a thesis or project work for a Master of Nursing Degree.
Eligibility: Open to graduate students enrolled in the Master of Nursing Program. Selection will be based on academic standing and financial need (submit financial need form).
Myrtle Evangeline Crawford Scholarship
Value: Value to be determined annually
Description: This scholarship is provided in memory of Professor Crawford. It is offered annually to a graduate student(s) in the graduate program in the Masters of Nursing program, University of Saskatchewan to support thesis research.
Eligibility: The student must be enrolled on a full time basis in a graduate program, thesis option in Nursing. Preference will be given to students who are close to completing the course work portion of their program.
Norman and Alice Caplin Fund
Value: Value to be determined annually
Description: This award is provided in memory of Professor Alice Caplin. It is offered annually to a graduate student(s) in the graduate program in Nursing, University of Saskatchewan to support thesis research.
Eligibility: Applicants must be enrolled in the graduate program. Preference will be given to a student who demonstrates the potential for making a contribution to the scholarship of maternal child health nursing.
Nurse Practitioner Entrance Award for Indigenous Students
Value: Two annual awards of $5000 each.
Description: To award Indigenous students entering the Nurse Practitioner program for the first time at the University of Saskatchewan. Preference will be given to those who are Saskatchewan residents or employed in Indigenous communities in Saskatchewan.
Eligibility: To be eligible, students must:
- Demonstrate financial need;
- Must have submitted required evidence of Indigenous identity as a Metis, First Nations, (status or non-status) or an Inuit person of Canada in their application for admission to the Nurse Practitioner program.
Awarded based on financial need, as determined by the Award Committee. You must fill out the Financial Need Calculator for this award.
Stephanson Cooke Award in Nursing
Value: One annual award of $3,500
Description: An award to a student registered in the second year of the nurse practitioner program who exemplifies leadership qualities, compassionate care and community engagement.
Eligibility: Submit a two page letter (max) outlining how your personal qualities in relation to leadership, compassionate care and community engagement will be enhanced as a nurse practitioner and assist to improve the health of rural communities. Submit a letter of support from a College of Nursing faculty member. Provide proof of current home address from a rural community with a population of less than 10 000.