College of Nursing

Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards

Education Enhancement Bursary Guidelines

Fund Purpose

A limited number of Education Enhancement Bursaries are available to assist undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows in the College of Nursing to participate in educational experiences such as:

  • Conferences (i.e. CNSA National Conference)
  • International clinical placements
  • Clinical placements outside of their registered College site (distances greater than 75 km for a one-way trip)
Applications for experiences not on the above list will be considered based on financial need and the benefit of the experience to the individual student and/or the College of Nursing.

Fund Source:

Bursaries are made possible by donations from generous donors who recognize the importance of investing in nursing students.


  • Applicants must be registered as full-time students in the USask College of Nursing
  • Applicants must have an academic record in good standing
  • Preference will be given to students who have demonstrated leadership

Awards Available:

NOTE: Students are eligible for one EEB bursary each academic year (SEP-AUG), and may be awarded a maximum of $1,500 in EEB funds for the duration of their nursing program. The College reserves the right to vary bursary amounts based on the number of requests and funds available. Applications will NOT be accepted after clinical orientation(s) or events that have already started or been completed.
  • Local/National Conference expenses (up to $300/year)
  • International Conference expenses (up to $500/year)
  • Clinical Placement support (distances greater than 75 km for a one-way trip) outside College Site/Rural ($ varies)
  • International Clinical Placement support ($ varies)

How to Apply:

Email the completed EEB Application to

Please ensure the following information is provided on the application:

  • Name, student year and program, College site registered in, contact information including NSID email address (i.e.
  • Employment status (full-time, part-time, casual, not employed)
  • Description of the activity, date(s) and location, title of event and/or Conference name (website link)
  • Detailed budget (including other sources of funding for which student has applied for and/or received approval; incomplete applications will be returned to students for added details
  • Benefits of the activity to the student including leadership opportunities