Terry Hewko, donor and friend to the College of Nursing

Celebrating some of our best and brightest

Students presented with over $100,000 in scholarships at this year’s Student Awards Ceremony

Students and their support teams, donors and family members, along with College of Nursing faculty and staff gathered mid-November at the German Cultural Centre to celebrate some of our best and brightest students at this year’s Student Awards Ceremony.

Each award is unique, as registered nurses make an enormous difference in the lives of individuals, families, and communities everywhere; this reflects the diversity of the awards. Some awards support students with interests in older adults, in children and young adolescents, while others focus on intensive care, public health, or cancer research to name a few

“The scholarships or ceremony would not have been possible without the generosity of our donors like Terry and the Hewko family. Their support ensures that the best and brightest can become nurses, administrators, educators, or researchers in the field of nursing,” said Roxanne McHattie, Development Officer for the University of Saskatchewan.

“Awards, bursaries, and scholarships that our students receive make an enormous difference to them – a university education is challenging to fund and receiving funding helps to offset that burden so they can focus on their studies,” said Dr. Shelley Peacock, Master of Ceremony for the event and Associate Professor at the College of Nursing.

To see a list of the 2018 Student Awards Ceremony recipients click here.

If you would like to set up a bursary or scholarship for nursing students or make a contribution to the College of Nursing click here.