Nursing Students Receive Over $223,000 in Student Awards
College of Nursing undergraduate and graduate students were awarded over $223,000 in scholarships and bursaries in 2020.
Although the University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing wasn’t able to bring together students and donors for the annual awards ceremony this November, we are celebrating the student’s success and thanking the donors for their support virtually.
We are pleased to announce this year, 104 undergraduate and graduate nursing students received a combined 69 awards, totaling $223,067.61. “With the kindness of our many donors, over 100 students have to worry less about how to pay for their schooling, but rather concentrate on their studies,” said interim dean Cindy Peternelj-Taylor. “Gifts from donors really do help our students shine brightly and when these students graduate from our programs, they become the nurses and nurse leaders throughout the province of Saskatchewan and beyond. Every time a donor makes a gift towards nursing education, it really is a gift towards better healthcare for all. I cannot thank our donors enough for their continued generosity towards our students.”
This year we asked our award recipients to share what their plans are when they complete their nursing studies. Here are a just few of those responses.
With my nursing degree, I likely see people experiencing some of their worst days. I want to be able to make those bad days a little better.
- Sarah Edel (Bachelor of Science in Nursing student, Yorkton Site)
I hope to achieve a long career providing empathic care to patients at their most vulnerable times and help foster the education of future nurses.
- Alyssa Wheler (Bachelor of Science in Nursing student, Prince Albert Campus)
With this degree, I hope to deeply care for clients beyond the physical, ensuring they and their families feel cherished.
- Willow McLeod (Bachelor of Science in Nursing student, Saskatoon Campus)
My goal is to be a psychiatric nurse. I am passionate about mental health. I hope to be a nurse that people remember for years to come. The one who stayed the extra few minutes to truly make sure you were ok.
- Kayla Forest (Bachelor of Science in Nursing student, La Ronge Site)
With my nursing degree, I hope to continually put forth the best evidenced-based practice to provide holistic care to every patient.
- Taylor Boehmer (Bachelor of Science in Nursing student, Regina Campus)
My goal is to pursue Northern Nursing and advance my studies to become a Nurse Practitioner with a specialization in Mental Health & Addiction Services specific to the Indigenous maternal population.
- Maryann Heroux (Post-Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing student, Saskatoon Campus)
With my nursing degree, I hope to echo those with a voice who are not being heard, and to be a comfort and care for those who have moments of need.
- Shawn Emard (Master of Nursing student, Saskatoon Campus)
Rural health has remained a passion of mine throughout my nursing career and I hope to make a difference in alleviating challenges rural citizens are faced with when it comes to access to primary health care.
- Janelle Fischer (Nurse Practitioner student, Off-Campus Site)
With my doctoral degree in nursing, I hope to further develop and disseminate nursing knowledge related to the care of families of critically ill patients.
- Margie Burns (Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing student, Saskatoon Campus)
For a complete summary of the award recipients who provided responses, please visit this page.
“On behalf of the awards committee, I would like to congratulate all our students who received awards this year,” said Dr. Shelley Peacock, Chair of the Undergraduate Scholarships & Awards Committee. “You have worked extremely hard on your studies during this past year, a year that certainly has not been easy. You have adapted well to the changing state of the world and not let it affect your academic performance. You should be very proud of how diligently you have worked to achieve this success and be selected as an award recipient.”
The complete list of College of Nursing 2020 scholarship and award recipients can be found here.
Congratulations to all our nursing students who received awards this year and thank you once again to our very generous donors.
If you would like to establish a bursary or scholarship for a nursing student, please contact our Development Officer.