USask Nursing Makes Changes to Pre-Professional Year of Study
New pre-professional year courses better prepare students and create access for more students to consider studying nursing in Saskatchewan.
The University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing is in the process of an undergraduate curricular revision. The revised Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) curriculum will be introduced in fall 2024.
Recently, changes to the pre-professional year of nursing were approved by University Senate.
The USask BSN is a 1 + 3 program. Students take 10 pre-professional year courses before applying to the College of Nursing, where they then complete three years of nursing theory and practice learning.
The 1+3 format of the BSN program is not changing; however, some of the 10 pre-professional year courses have been altered to better prepare prospective students to enter the new BSN curriculum in fall 2024.
“The changes to the pre-professional year courses will benefit prospective students in a number of ways,” said associate dean academic Dr. Mary Ellen Labrecque (PhD).
“The most important benefit is that students will be better prepared to enter the revised Bachelor of Science in Nursing curriculum in fall 2024.”
Other benefits of the updated course requirements include the addition of a nursing anatomy class that will be a good foundation for upper level nursing courses and a wider variety of content in the first year, including prospective students first ever nursing class. As well, a broader selection of courses that are in high demand, means students will have more classes to choose from to fit their schedules.
“Changing some of the required pre-professional year courses also means that students throughout Saskatchewan will have the opportunity to access all 10 courses in their home communities, meaning more students in Saskatchewan can consider studying nursing in the province,” adds Dr. Labrecque.
“This change aligns with the provincial distributed educational goals of the College of Nursing and our ‘learn where you live’ approach to nursing education.”
The adjustment of the pre-professional year courses also responds to the changing scope of nursing practice.
“The revised pre-professional year is aligned with foundational nursing knowledge essential to meeting professional entry to practice competencies and standards for practice as registered nurses (RNs),” said Dr. Labrecque.
Prospective students may continue to take their first year of pre-professional year courses through the University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon and Prince Albert Campus), University of Regina, Northlands College, Lakeland College, Parkland College, and other regional colleges in Saskatchewan.
The remaining three years of the USask BSN program is offered at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon and Prince Albert or at one of the College of Nursing sites in La Ronge, Ile-a-la-Crosse, Yorkton, and Lloydminster.
For more information on the USask BSN program and the updated pre-professional year course requirements for students applying into nursing for September 2024, please visit USask Admissions.