Congratulations Fall Graduates

History made at USask fall convocation as the College of Nursing celebrates the largest class of nurse practitioner graduates to date.

10,900 alumni, 84 years strong. At the University of Saskatchewan (USask) fall convocation held November 9th, USask College of Nursing celebrated graduates from a number of nursing programs.

Congratulations to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Master of Nursing – Thesis (MN), Master of Nursing Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner (NP), Postgraduate Degree Specialization Certificate Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner (NP), and Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD) graduates.

College of Nursing dean Dr. Solina Richter (DCur) had this message for new grads. “Today is your day. Today is a day to celebrate. It is a day you have worked incredibly hard for - a day to pause and be proud of your personal accomplishments. Nursing education is rewarding and at times challenging - requiring perseverance, commitment, and passion to finish your studies. And you’ve done it. You have lots to be proud of!”

All convocation ceremonies are significant, but fall convocation also saw the College of Nursing make history. The fall Class of 2022 is the largest class of USask Nurse Practitioner graduates to date – 34 graduates.

“The number of nurse practitioner students has grown substantially over the past decade,” said Janet Luimes, academic program lead for the nurse practitioner program at the College of Nursing.

“NP’s are a vital part of the healthcare team in rural, remote and urban communities, helping improve access to high-quality care. Welcoming 34 new NP’s to practice is definitely something to be celebrated! They will each make a difference in the communities they choose to practice in.”

On behalf of everyone at the College of Nursing, congratulations to our Class of 2022 fall nursing graduates.

Celebrating our Graduates