College of Nursing Unveils Robot Name

We have a winner! Following a social media and community contest, asking the public to help name the new Yorkton Health and Education robot, a winner was announced.

Honoring the Voices of Bereaved Caregivers - Video Launch and Presentation

Following a year of research, the international interdisciplinary team consisting of Primary Investigator (PI) Dr. Lorraine Holtslander (U of S College of Nursing), Co-PI Sharon Baxter (Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association) and Co-Investigators Dr. Shelley Peacock (U of S College of Nursing), Dr. Wendy Duggleby (University of Alberta), Rev Dan Cooper (Regina Qu'Appelle Palliative Care Services), Vicky Duncan (U of S Library) and Dr. Peter Hudson (St. Vincent's Hospital, University of Melbourne, Australia) are set to launch a series of public videos based on their project titled “Honoring the Voices of Bereaved Caregivers”.

Research Group to Study Hope Intervention for Parents

Having a child diagnosed with a life limiting illness or life threatening illness can be both a shocking and devastating experience for a parent, only to be worsened by repeated periods of uncertainty, loss of control and distress.