Honoring the Voices of Bereaved Caregivers - Video Launch and Presentation

Following a year of research, the international interdisciplinary team consisting of Primary Investigator (PI) Dr. Lorraine Holtslander (U of S College of Nursing), Co-PI Sharon Baxter (Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association) and Co-Investigators Dr. Shelley Peacock (U of S College of Nursing), Dr. Wendy Duggleby (University of Alberta), Rev Dan Cooper (Regina Qu'Appelle Palliative Care Services), Vicky Duncan (U of S Library) and Dr. Peter Hudson (St. Vincent's Hospital, University of Melbourne, Australia) are set to launch a series of public videos based on their project titled “Honoring the Voices of Bereaved Caregivers”.

The videos are based on a metasynthesis of the qualitative research with those who have given care to a terminally ill family member and have become bereaved.

The event is set to take place Thursday October 15, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Edwards Family Centre. In addition to presenting the research and videos, a presentation will be given by Sherrill Miller, titled: “Reclaiming a life after loss” based on her experiences after providing care for her husband Courtney Milne. This event is being held in partnership with the Saskatoon Council on Aging and the Edwards Family Centre.

Key messages from the research with bereaved caregivers will be discussed primarily, their need for support of different kinds (eg. practical and emotional), the need to understand the experience as it is different for everyone, as well as who you are and what happens during caregiving and will affect your bereavement experience.

The “Honoring the Voices of Bereaved Caregivers” research was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.