Nurses and other health care professionals practicing at the interface of the health and criminal justice systems are faced with daily challenges unique to their roles, the clientele they work with, and the environments in which they practice. The first national conference focusing on nurses working in the forensic milieu was hosted by the College of Nursing, University of Saskatchewan and the Regional Psychiatric Centre, Correctional Service Canada in 1989, and has been held biennially since then. We are pleased to host the 16th anniversary of the Custody and Caring Conference in 2019, and recognize that by highlighting contemporary challenges, opportunities and collaborations, best practices are promoted.

2019 Conference Theme

Social Justice in Forensic Mental Health and Correctional Nursing


The overall goal of the conference is to provide a forum for highlighting innovations in practice, education, research, and policy development in the field of forensic mental health and correctional health care in Canada and throughout the world. Clinical issues and work life issues unique to nurses, health care professionals and other professionals working within forensic mental health and correctional environments will be featured.

Conference participants will be able to:
  • discuss issues unique to the provision of nursing and health care in institutional and community based settings
  • report innovations in program and policy development relevant to forensic mental health and correctional health care practice, education, research and leadership
  • consider clinical and ethical issues unique to forensic mental health and correctional healthcare
  • explore interventions that emphasize community re-integration of forensic clients
  • promote forensic mental health care and correctional healthcare as specialized areas of practice
  • examine vulnerability and diversity as concepts of particular relevance to researchers and practitioners in correctional and forensic mental health environments
  • describe innovative methodologies and approaches to correctional and forensic research
  • explore opportunities to address work life issues unique to health care professionals practicing within forensic mental health correctional environments.

Event Details

Sheraton Cavalier Hotel, Saskatoon, SK