Visiting Scholar Seeks to Expand Research Partnerships
Dr. Flávia Gomes visits USask Nursing from the University of São Paulo.
When nurse researchers collaborate from around the world, they bring individual perspectives, and unique cultural insights; often giving them the opportunity to see their research in a different light.
The University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing was pleased to host visiting scholar Dr. Flávia Gomes (PhD) from the University of São Paulo April 29th – May 8th.
Gomes spent her time in Saskatoon meeting with USask faculty and staff from Colleges of Nursing, Dentistry, and Medicine, the International Office, the Office of the Vice-President Research, and touring USask facilities.
College of Nursing’s Director of Globalization Ana Maldonado accompanied Dr. Gomes during her visits.
“Having the chance to visit the beautiful University of Saskatchewan campus and the City of Saskatoon to get reacquainted with colleagues and to meet new faculty with similar research interests, was such a great opportunity,” said Gomes.
Gomes hosted an in-person, as well as virtual, meet and greet while in Saskatoon. She presented her research in maternal mortality in Brazil, and women’s sexual and reproductive health.
“My hope of presenting my research and meeting with USask faculty is that I can establish further research partnerships in Canada,” said Gomes.
“During my visit, I am also hoping to open the door for my colleagues in São Paulo, to find potential research interest alignments between them and researchers at the University of Saskatchewan.”
Gomes is not a stranger to Canada. She completed her post-doctorate nursing education at the University of Alberta in 2007. It was here she met University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing Dean Dr. Solina Richter (DCur).
“Dr. Gomes and I have had the opportunity to work together on several graduate student research projects, as we both have an interest in women and global health,” said Richter. “It was wonderful to see Dr. Gomes again and to hear about all the exciting things she is working on.”
Gomes is an obstetric nurse, clinical professor in the Maternal-Infanti and Public Health Department at University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Public Health Nursing, an interdisciplinary and multi-professional academic program.
She has experience in nursing education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Her research focuses on maternal mortality and morbidity issues, breastfeeding, and homeless women. Her most recent work is on women's health care transition.
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