Two College of Nursing Teams Receive SHRF Establishment Grants

Drs. Haase and Satter (PhD) from the University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing were successful in two SHRF Establishment Grants earlier this month.

USask College of Nursing SHRF Establishment Grants Recipients and Projects

A prospective mixed-methods study of self-management in older adults with cancer and multimorbidity in two Canadian provinces

Dr. Kristen Haase (PhD)

Principal Applicant: Dr. Kristen Haase (PhD)

Team: Dr. Martine Puts (PhD), Dr. Shahid Ahmed, Dr. Philip Davis, Dr. Schroder Sattar (PhD), Dr. Doris Howell (PhD), Dr. Tolu Sajobi (PhD) (Co-Applicants)

Collaborators: Bernice Budz, Lynn Dwernychuk, Cherri Kappel Brown


Testing the feasibility and effects of the STABLE program on reducing fall risk among community-dwelling older adults with cancer: A randomized controlled trial

Dr. Kristen Haase (PhD)
Dr. Kelly Penz (PhD)
Dr. Diane Campbell (PhD)

Principal Applicant: Dr. Schroder Sattar (PhD)

Team: Dr. Darren Candow (PhD), Dr. Margaret McNeely (PhD), Dr. Shabbir Ailbhai, Dr. Sebastian Harenberg (PhD), Dr. Eitan Amir, Dr. Kelly Penz (PhD), Dr. Kristen Haase (PhD), Dr. Diane Campbell (PhD), Dr. Haji Chalchal, Dr. Osama Souied, Dr. Shawn Kuster (PhD), Eric Pitters (Co-Applicants)

Collaborators: Patti Chesters, Lynn Dwernychuk