Two College of Nursing Teams receive CIHR Planning and Dissemination grants

Drs. Bally, Haase, Holtslander, Peacock, Risling, and Rohatinsky (PhD) from the University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing were successful in two CIHR Planning and Dissemination grants earlier this year.

USask College of Nursing CIHR Planning and Dissemination Recipients and Projects

Dr. Shelly Peacock (PhD)

Championing Health Professional Dementia Care Education

Principal Investigator: Dr. Shelley Peacock (PhD)
Co-Applicants/Team: Dr. Jill Bally (PhD), Dr. Kristen Haase (PhD), Dr. Lorraine Holtslander (PhD), Dr. Noelle Rohatinsky (PhD)

Dr. Jill Bally (PhD)
Dr. Kristen Haase (PhD)
Dr. Lorraine Holtslander (PhD)
Dr. Noelle Rohatinsky (PhD)
Dr. Tracie Risling (PhD)

AI for QI: A Collaborative Exploration of Artificial Intelligence Application for Quality Health Outcomes

Principal Applicant: Dr. Tracie Risling (PhD)