College of Nursing members receive SHRF Research Connections Grants

Drs. Bowen, Graham, Leidl (PhD), and Pratt, King, and Klemmer from the University of Saskatchewan, College of Nursing were successful in three SHRF Research Connections Grants earlier this month.

The SHRF Research Connections Grant matches funds to support targeted events or activities that facilitate collaboration and mobilize research knowledge to improve health. Successful initiatives are innovative, far-reaching, impactful and have a practical application for knowledge users in Saskatchewan.

USask College of Nursing SHRF Research Connections Grant Competition Recipients and Projects

Dr. Angela Bowen (PhD)
Dr. Holly Graham (PhD)
Carrie Pratt
(Photo sourced from Web)

Sharing mothers’ voices to increase culturally safe birth in Saskatchewan

Principal Investigator: Dr. Angela Bowen (PhD)
Co-Principal Applicant: Carrie Pratt
Co-Applicant: Dr. Holly Graham (PhD)

Dr. Don Leidl (PhD)

Blended learning strategies for the Circumpolar North: Leveraging technology to make higher education more accessible

Principal Investigator: Dr. Don Leidl (PhD)

Tish King
Jenn Klemmer

Dissemination of the REACH (Real Education About Cannabis and Health) Program to Saskatchewan Youth

Team Members: Tish King and Jenn Klemmer