Two College of Nursing Teams Receive CIHR Seed Grant Funding

Drs. Bally, Spurr, Risling, Sattar, Haase, Penz, and Campbell from the University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing were successful in a CIHR Seed Grant competition.

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research announced earlier this month that University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing research teams were successful in the December 2018 CIHR Project Seed Grant competition. Seed grants are intended to catalyze new research initiatives by providing funding for researchers to design or further develop research projects and seek larger funding from other sources.

USask College of Nursing December 2018 CIHR Seed Grant Competition Recipients and Projects

Dr. Jill Bally (PhD)
Dr. Shelley Spurr (PhD)
Dr. Tracie Risling (PhD)

Arts-Based Research Methods with Families with Seriously Ill Children: A Pilot Study

Principal Investigator: Dr. Jill Bally (PhD)
Co-Principal Applicant: Dr. Shelley Spurr (PhD)
Team Member: Dr. Tracie Risling (PhD)

Dr. Kristen Haase (PhD)
Dr. Kelly Penz (PhD)
Dr. Diane Campbell (PhD)

The Effects of Strength and Balance Training on Falls in Older Adults with Cancer: A Feasibility Study

Principal Investigator: Dr. Schroder Sattar (PhD)
Team Members: Dr. Kristen Haase (PhD), Dr. Kelly Penz (PhD), and Dr. Diane Campbell (PhD)