Three College of Nursing Teams Receive Collaborative Innovation Development Grants

Drs. Bowen, Fowler-Kerry, Graham, Maina, Racine (PhD), and Ms. Pratt from the University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing were successful in the 2018-19 Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation competition.

The Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) announced last month that eleven research teams had been awarded Collaborative Innovation Development grants for 2018-19; out of those eleven, three College of Nursing teams were successful.

The Collaborative Innovation Development grants tackle health challenges such as engaging youth at risk of alcohol and drug use with an art-based intervention to Indigenous perspectives and mentorship in aging to name a few.


USask College of Nursing 2018-19 Collaborative Innovation Development Recipients and Projects

Dr. Angela Bowen
Dr. Holly Graham

Bridging the Generations: Cultural Mentorship to Promote Aging Indigenous Women’s Health

Principle Investigator - Dr. Angela Bowen (PhD)
Team Member - Dr. Holly Graham (PhD)
Carrie Pratt - Post Doc

Carrie Pratt
(Photo sourced from Web)
Dr. Geoffrey Maina

Engaging and Empowering Youth at Risk of Alcohol and Drug Use in Prince Albert: An Art-based Intervention

Principle Investigator - Dr. Geoffrey Maina (PhD)


Dr. Louise Racine
Dr. Susan Fowler-Kerry

Towards an understanding of Indigenous Perspectives on Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Saskatchewan

Principle Investigator - Dr. Louise Racine (PhD)
Co-Principal Investigator - Dr. Susan Fowler-Kerry (PhD)