Four College of Nursing Teams Receive Funding for Patient-Driven Research

Drs. Bally, Compton, Graham, de Padua, Rohatinsky (PhD) and Ms Luimes from the University of Saskatchewan (USask) College of Nursing were successful in the 2018-19 Sprout Grant funding competition.

The Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) in partnership with the Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research (SCPOR) announced earlier in February funding for 11 patient-driven research projects, four which were from the College of Nursing.

Teams, which include researchers, health care providers, health system decision makers, and patient/family advisors, will use the funding to investigate health challenges such as Dr. Noelle Rohatinsky and her team’s research on improving care for those living with inflammatory bowel disease.


USask College of Nursing 2018-19 Sprout Grant Recipients and Projects​

Dr. Jill Bally

Supporting Indigenous Family Caregivers of Children with Life-Threatening and Life-Limiting Illness in Saskatchewan

Principle Investigator - Dr. Jill Bally (PhD)
Meridith Burles - Post doc



Dr. Roslyn Compton
Janet Luimes

Towards Improving the Quality of Life for Long Term Care Residents: Exploring the Current Factors Affecting Healthcare Provision and Health Outcomes

Principle Investigator - Dr. Roslyn Compton (PhD)
Team Member - Janet Luimes


Dr. Anthony de Padua
Dr. Holly Graham

Exploring the Experiences of Spirituality and Healing for Indigenous people living with HIV and the Co-creation of a Circle for Healing

Principle Investigator - Dr. Anthony de Padua (PhD)
Team Member - Dr. Holly Graham


Dr. Noelle Rohatinsky
Dr. Tracie Risling

Healthcare Utilization and Access to Care in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Rural Saskatchewan

Principle Investigator - Dr. Noelle Rohatinsky (PhD)
Co-Principle Investigator - Dr. Tracie Risling (PhD)