Celebrating with Lieutenant Commander Hnatiuk, Jo-Ann (centre) as she receives the USSU 2017 Alumni Achievement Award for public service is her mother, Charlotte Hnatiuk (right) and Dean of Nursing, Dr. Huey-Ming Tzeng.

Alumna Jo-Ann Hnatiuk Receives Alumni Achievement Award

Congratulations to Alumna Jo-Ann Hnatiuk on receiving a 2017 University of Saskatchewan Alumni Achievement Award.

The Alumni Achievement Award program recognizes graduates of the University of Saskatchewan for excellence, leadership and innovation in their achievements and in their contributions to the social, cultural and economic well-being of society, which positively reflect on the University of Saskatchewan and the Alumni Association. The College of Nursing is proud to announce Alumna Jo-Ann Hnatiuk (BSN’95) has been selected as a recipient of a 2017 University of Saskatchewan Alumni Achievement Award for her outstanding public service.

In 2003, Hnatiuk was deployed to Afghanistan as a Critical Care Nursing Officer for the Canadian Forces. She served in the intensive care unit and emergency room, and provided clinical education, on-air transport and pediatrics. In 2007, Jo-Ann was redeployed as an air medevac nurse with the Task Force Afghanistan Corsair Medevac Unit in an effort to increase the U.S. Blackhawks’ medevac.

“It is a true honour to receive this award for doing something I really love,” said Hnatiuk. “I am grateful for the education I received from the University of Saskatchewan and am thankful every day that I became a nurse.”

On October 26th, Hnatiuk was celebrated at the annual University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association Honouring Our Alumni event, alongside fellow recipients, College of Nursing Dean Dr. Huey-Ming Tzeng and College Relations Officer Anna Pacik. “Every time I meet one of our alumni, I am humbled by the extraordinary stories they tell me of the work they do each and every day,” said Pacik. “When our students graduate and become nurses, they really have no idea the doors that will open for them. The fact Jo-Ann went on to work as a nursing officer for the Canadian Forces and serve in Afghanistan not once, but twice, is a true reflection of the difference nurses make in the world.” 

Congratulations once again Jo-Ann from everyone at the College of Nursing!