Outreach and Indigenous Engagement Strategy Report - Now Available

Today the College of Nursing released its first Outreach and Indigenous Engagement Strategy Report. The report summarizes the work of the college’s Strategist for Outreach and Indigenous Engagement, Dr. Heather Exner-Pirot.

Throughout the report you will experience the college’s strong presence across Saskatchewan, locally and extending globally throughout Canada and the world.

The college’s 'Learn Where You Live' initiative in northern, rural and remote communities continues to develop community partnerships along with supporting student success throughout their nursing career and beyond.  “This initiative is only one of many examples of how the college lends itself to being distinctive and what sets us apart from others,” said College of Nursing Dean Lorna Butler.

"We have a responsibility to ensure First Nations, Métis and Inuit students are supported to achieve their educational goals and I am proud to say that the College of Nursing has been a leader in this regard, not only on this campus, but nationally and internationally," said U of S President Peter Stoicheff. "The college's 'Learn Where You Live' distributed learning model has made a nursing education accessible throughout the province, enabling us to educate a strong Aboriginal nursing workforce who will serve the health-care needs of all the people of Saskatchewan."

The college has also realized its long-term goal of a proportional Aboriginal student body for the 2015-2016 academic year with an undergraduate enrolment of 165 (17.3 percent).  “This milestone has taken three decades to achieve and has been supported at every step by faculty, staff and beyond,” said Heather Exner-Pirot Strategist for Outreach and Indigenous Engagement.

Learn more about the college’s strategy on Outreach and Indigenous Engagement in the report.