College of Nursing Student Joins International Nursing Group

Nursing is about working together, about bringing together innovative minds to make advances in health care and ultimately provide the highest level of patient care.

There are various ways nursing students can get involved outside of their studies; join an association, volunteer in their community or take an active leadership role on a board or council. The College of Nursing strongly encourages our students to get involved and Monica Anca Costa, 3rd year nursing student from the Regina Campus has done just that!

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) is a federation of more than 130 national nursing associations, representing more than 16 million nurses worldwide. ICN aims to bring nurses from around the world together as one united voice. They have several working groups, including the Student Network Core Steering Group. Monica has been appointed to this group as the North American Student Liaison for the next term, August 1, 2014 - August 1, 2016.

When asked about the recent appointment, Monica had this to say. “I believe in a local-global perspective of health care that inspires nursing professionals to improve global health by acting locally. My goal is to support and motivate local nursing students to perform research, create innovative initiatives and establish relationships that will lead to nursing advancement. Globally, my vision is to establish and develop collaborative relationships that will facilitate an exchange in knowledge, research and resources about current issues and opportunities for advancement in the nursing profession. As a member of the core steering group, I welcome the opportunity to bring forward nursing and health care issues, local initiatives and relevant research in an effort to become a valuable resource for others in the pursuit of international nursing advancements. Together, we can make a difference in how nursing professionals all over the world view and practice nursing.”

“We are always so proud of our students when they get involved in nursing activities outside of the College,” said Associate Dean Southern Saskatchewan Campus Dr. Lynn Jansen. “It’s a great opportunity for the student, a chance to showcase our college and a learning experience for others when students return from their extracurricular work and share knowledge. I am very pleased with our students at the Regina Campus for their external involvement over the past year. They’ve been volunteering at the North American Indigenous Games, presenting at the 2014 Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association Annual Meeting & Conference, becoming national conference directors, organizing the 2015 Canadian Nursing Students' Association (CNSA) National Conference to be held in Regina and now, Monica being appointed to the ICN Student Network Core Steering Group.”

“I am excited to collaborate with nursing students from all over the world to evaluate current nursing trends and issues and to determine the various ways in which nursing students can make a difference in the profession,” said Costa. “I believe humanity and global health care deserves our commitment to nursing advancement and there is no better time to get involved than as a student. We are honored to have amazing nurse educators at the University of Saskatchewan, such as Dr. Sandra Bassendowski and Dr. Pammla Petrucka, just to name a few, who, through their work inspire us to strive for excellence. This new position gives me the opportunity to not only follow my dream of making a difference, but also make my instructors and the U of S proud.”

This isn’t the only volunteer position Monica holds. She is also the Public Relations and Community Liaison for Student Energy in Action for Regina Community Health (SEARCH), a student-run clinic located in Regina. Once again, congratulations Monica from the College of Nursing on your appointment to the ICN Student Network Core Steering Group.