Professional Academic Advisor Sheila Watts

College of Nursing Academic Advisor Sheila Watts Receives USSU Academic Advising Award

The College of Nursing values academic advising and understands its importance both in guiding current learners through their studies and in recruiting prospective students to our programs.

Founded in 2009 by Vice President Academic Brea Lowenberger, the University of Saskatchewan Student’s Union (USSU) Academic Advising Award recognizes the invaluable role played by those faculty and staff members who provide undergraduate students with the effective and efficient direction they need to complete their chosen degrees. We are proud to announce the 2013-2014 winner of the USSU Academic Advising Award is Sheila Watts, Professional Academic Advisor in the College of Nursing.

Located at the Saskatoon Campus, Sheila works hard each and every day. She guides our students, through the complexities of the College to ensure they complete all requirements for Convocation and helps students find their overall direction to best suit their needs and meet their academic goals. In doing so, she is a crucial component of the student experience and our student’s success. "Sheila brings great experiences to the role of Professional Academic Advisor in the College of Nursing," said Rachelle Smith, Coordinator, Academic Advising. "She is a Registered Nurse with a Master's degree, who can easily relate to the demands and stresses of being a nursing student and also understands the joy, rewards and numerous career opportunities available in nursing. Sheila is a compassionate, kind and caring individual, which makes her a wonderful nurse and an exceptional advisor."

When asked about the recent award, Sheila replied, "I was very surprised and honoured to receive this award. Nursing has been a wonderful career for me. I feel both excited and privileged to be helping our current and prospective nursing students on their journey to a rewarding career with so many possibilities."

Congratulations Sheila! We are so proud to say you are part of the College of Nursing team.