Tables of clothing waiting to be picked up by staff, faculty and students

College of Nursing First Ever Clothing Order a Great Success!

Excited staff, faculty, students and alumni throughout the province picked up long awaited College of Nursing clothing this week. For the first time ever, the college offered branded hoodies, sweatpants, crew neck sweaters, t-shirts and jackets for purchase.

Excited staff, faculty, students and alumni throughout the province picked up long awaited College of Nursing clothing this week. For the first time ever, the college offered branded hoodies, sweatpants, crew neck sweaters, t-shirts and jackets for purchase.

"Not only are we happy to finally have College of Nursing branded items, the fact we offered it as a fundraiser makes it even more exciting," said Kylie Dietrick, Communications Officer in the College of Nursing. "A portion of proceeds from each item will be used to support student initiatives, such as graduation banquets, conference travel, etc.," said College of Nursing Development Officer Anna Pacik.

In just over two weeks, this first ever clothing offering produced better than expected numbers. Over 300 people bought clothing, almost 500 items were purchased and over $2,300 was raised. The online clothing fundraiser will run twice per year, with the next offering in February 2013.

Thank you to all those who helped make this an enormous success!