Faculty Member Dr. Donna Goodridge Awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

It's not everyday someone we work alongside receives prestigious national recognition, but for the College of Nursing, today we are proud to announce our colleague Dr. Donna Goodridge has been selected to receive the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of her contributions to the Canadian Respiratory Health Professionals (CRHP).

According to the Governor General of Canada, "the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal is a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country. At the same time, it serves to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians".

Dr. Goodridge was nominated by the CRHP Leadership Council in recognition of her longstanding leadership and in support of their priorities in research, education, governance and inter-professional collaboration. This award also recognizes her role in research and knowledge translation initiatives, particularly related to quality care for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). As a clinician researcher and nurse educator, she had a tremendous impact on the lung health of Canadians.

"I am both humbled and honored by this recognition from colleagues with whom I have had the privilege to work with over the past eight years. I continue to be inspired by the professionalism and dedication of the many exceptional people working to improve respiratory health across the country," said Dr. Goodridge when asked about the award.

For more information on this medal, eligibility criteria and the nomination process, click here.

Congratulations Dr. Donna Goodridge on receiving this prestigious honour!