- Overview
- Partnerships
- International Students
International partnerships and global networking are important mechanisms to support a culture of innovation and scholarship that addresses Saskatchewan's health priorities, while contributing to health equity around the world. To that end, the College of Nursing has entered into partnerships in a variety of ways with the following institutions:
- Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association
- Student mentorships, Indigenous nursing education
- International Children’s Palliative Care Network (ICPCN)
- Past member of the International Board of Trustees
- Makerere University (Kampala, Uganda)
- Collaborative research projects
- Mbarara University (Mbarara, Uganda)
- Student exchanges
- Municipal Health Unit Green Hope Organization (Arusha, Tanzania)
- Maternal and child health and community engagement
- North Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk, Russia)
- Northern health determinants and distributed learning
- Ternopil State Medical University (Ukraine)
- Cultural exchange, e-learning and rural health
- Tromsø University (Norway)
- Northern distributed/decentralized nursing education and pedagogy
- UArctic Northern Nursing Education Network
- University of Agder, Faculty of Humanities and Education, (Kristiansand, Norway)
- Visiting Professor
- University of Philippines (Quezon City, Philippines)
- College of Nursing and Community & Epidemiology - Adjunct Faculty
- University of the West of Scotland (South Lanarkshire, UK)
- Educational exchange/dementia care training in acute care settings and secure-settings
- University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa)
- Co-supervision of graduate students, Honorary Associate Professor appointments, and development of manuscripts for publication