Research Tools

Institutional Approval Process

The institutional approval process is not merely a rubber-stamp; it's our responsibility to ensure your application is well positioned for success and complies with institutional policies and protocols. To do so, we need to ensure we are familiar with the proposed project.


If we don't know, neither we, nor the University, are in a position to support you nor ensure your research activity is recorded and recognized in institutional and college statistics. When you don't follow protocols we have no idea who is doing what and a research account cannot be set up. More information regarding institutional approval can be found here.

What and Who

Application Type Sign off Required
External Grants
If you are a PI, Co-PI or Co-I on a grant - submitted from USask or another institution - College and USask sign off is mandatory. Regardless of the agency's requirement and your role on the grant, this is the University Signature Policy.
The Dean, then the University (i.e. Research Services)
Internal (USask) Grants Associate Dean Research, Innovation & Global Initiatives
College of Nursing Grants No sign off required, but College of Nursing Research Grant Intake Form must accompany the submitted application.
Graduate Student Research Grants Associate Dean Research, Innovation & Global Initiatives
Ethics Applications Approval (Faculty and students) Associate Dean Research, Innovation & Global Initiatives

Approval Process and Deadlines

College and university level processes are detailed in the table below. Questions? Contact the Administrative Coordinator, who coordinates College signatures. Telephone: (306) 966-6768.

Allow at least 8 business days prior to the competition deadline to meet college and institutional timelines for USask compliance review.

If your application involves college support; i.e. release time from teaching, cash or in-kind contributions you must:

  • discuss the request with the Associate Dean Research, Innovation and Global Initiatives well ahead of the internal deadline
  • complete the Application for College Support for teaching release, in-kind or cash contributions and email to the Associate Dean Research, Innovation and Global Initiatives at least two weeks prior to the College signature deadline.

Submitting a Research Grant Application for Institutional Approval

Reminder: Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page after you have completed each section.
Step 1: Sign into UnivRS • Login at
Step 2: Start your application • Click on the green “Add New” button at the top right-hand corner of the webpage.
• Click on “Projects” to open a drop-down menu.
• Click on “Project Application” to start the application.
Step 3: Select funding • Select “Externally Funded” or “Internally Funded”. If you are applying for an Internally Funded research grant please contact your Research Facilitator prior to completion of this step.
Step 4: Complete “Key Information” tab You must enter the following information in this tab:
• Title
• Agency
• Program Deadline
• Intellectual Property Anticipated
• Regulatory Compliance
We strongly encourage you to add Research Facilitators to your grant (so that we can better track the approval process) by completing the Pre-Award Support section.
Step 5: Complete “Applicants” tab You will automatically be listed as the Lead Principal Investigator in this section. Please add any co-PIs, co-Is, and other team members who are members of the University of Saskatchewan. UnivRS will not allow you to add any team members affiliated with other institutions and organizations.
Step 6: Complete “Resources” tab You must enter the following information in this tab:
• Requested Project Budget
• Fees Paid to the Principal Investigator
• Institutional Costs of Research Included in Project Budget
Step 7: Complete “Documents” tab • Upload 1 complete copy of your grant AND 1 complete copy of the College of Nursing Research Grant Intake form into the “Final Project Documents” section.
Step 8: Complete “Related Information” tab You must enter the following information on this tab:
• Institutional Signature Area(s)
• Institutional Priority Area(s)
Step 9: Submit your grant for approval • Click the “Save & Close” button at the bottom of the page. A secondary menu will pop up in the middle of your page. 
• Within this menu, scroll down to “Submitted for Approval” and click on this section of text. This text will become highlighted in grey. 
• Click the “Done” button at the bottom of this menu. The menu will close and your grant will be submitted for approval
Step 10: Approvals • The UnivRS system will forward your grant materials to the College of Nursing for approval. 
• Once College of Nursing approval is completed within the system, the UnivRS will forward your grant to the Research Services and Ethics Office for Institutional approval. 
• When this approval is complete within the system, you will receive an email from a Research Support Specialist that includes 1 copy of the compliance checklist and (if required by the grant agency) 1 copy of the complete signature page.